NRO Letter to ICANN: the future of the IANA contractOn 14 March, the NRO sent a letter to ICANN endorsing a cooperative agreement on IANA functions to replace the contract between ICANN & US Government. The full text is available at: NRO Secretariat
NRO Letter to ICANN Re: Discuss Move to a Single Trust Anchor
NRO Letter to ICANN Re: Discuss Move to a Single Trust Anchor On 24 February the NRO sent ICANN a letter asking to enter into discussions with ICANN on moving forward with an operational global trust anchor for resource certification. The NRO expressed interest in tasking ICANN with the management of the this single trust anchor.
Independent review of the ICANN Address Supporting Organization (ASO)
Deadline for applications: 31-January-2011
ICANN 39 / 5-10 December 2010 / Cartagena de Indias, Colombia he Number Resource Organization will participate in the ICANN 39th meeting in Cartagena, Colombia, 5-10 December 2010. The NRO booth at the ICANN meeting Representatives from the RIRs will be at booth number 12 in the exhibition area of the Julio Cesar Turbay Ayala Convention & Exposition Center to… Read More
Global Policy for Autonomous System Numbers
IANA Function: NRO Letter of Support for ICANN
IANA Function: NRO Letter of Support for ICANN
NRO Response to ICANN regarding Secure Routing & RPKI
NRO Response to ICANN regarding Secure Routing & RPKI
Kuo-Wei Wu Elected to Seat 10 on the ICANN Board
Kuo-Wei Wu Elected to Seat 10 on the ICANN Board The Address Supporting Organization is pleased to announce that Mr. Kuo-Wei Wu has been elected by the Address Council to fill Seat Number 10 on the ICANN Board. The ASO AC would also like to thank the other candidates who participated in the process.
ASO AC Selects Ray Plzak to Serve on Seat 9 of ICANN Board of Directors
The ASO is pleased to announce that the ASO Address Council has selected Ray Plzak to serve for a three-year term on Seat 9 of the ICANN Board of Directors. Mr Plzak’s term will begin on 7 May 2009. The ASO congratulates Mr Plzak and would also like to thank the other four candidates who took part in the selection… Read More
Global Policy for the Allocation of the Remaining IPv4 Address Space Ratified by ICANN Board
On 6 March 2009, the ICANN Board ratified the Global Policy for the Allocation of the Remaining IPv4 Address Space. The policy requires ICANN to reserve one /8 for each RIR from the IANA free pool. This has been done. The remainder of the implementation will be done once the once the IANA free pool has been fully allocated to… Read More