Reminder Call for Public Comments on the 2018 IANA Performance Matrix Summary Report

Dear colleagues,

This is a friendly reminder that the IANA Numbering Services Review Committee (IANA RC) is seeking input and comments from the community on the IANA numbering services performance and the 2018 IANA Performance Matrix Summary Report:

Comments on the IANA service performance should be sent to: <>

The public comment period ends on Friday 22 February 2019 at 23:59 UTC.

All public comments will be published on the IANA RC website, and will be considered as input to the final report by the IANA RC.

The IANA RC report will be published on the IANA RC website, and serves as advice to the NRO EC on its evaluation of the IANA Numbering services.

We welcome any comments the numbers community has on the IANA numbering services.

Kind regards,
Nurani Nimpuno
Chair, IANA Numbering Services Review Committee

Last modified on 14/02/2019