ICP-2 Principles Questionnaire Report and Data
The NRO NC has completed its qualitative analysis and summary of the community responses received to the questionnaire on the proposed principles to update ICP-2. The questionnaire was open from 8 October until 6 December 2024. During this window, we received 298 individual submissions from the RIR communities. We sincerely thank everyone who has shared their insights as part of this process.
NRO NC Summary: This report contains an overview of the input received from the RIR communities. The summary does not include the NRO NC’s opinions on or responses to the comments submitted, nor does it include an evaluation of the communities’ opinion on the principles.
Questionnaire Summary Report PDF
CSV and Excel Raw Data Files: These files are direct downloads of all the raw data available corresponding to the questionnaire. The IP address of respondents is hidden, however the Network ID is a hash of the respondent’s IP address. Identical Network IDs indicate that the respondents used the same IP address.
ICP-2 Principles Questionnaire Raw Data.csv
ICP-2 Principles Questionnaire Raw Data.xlsx
Excel Raw Data Duplicates Marked: This file consists of the raw data with all duplicate responses highlighted in the rows.
ICP-2 Principles Questionnaire Duplicate Responses Marked.xlsx
PDF Open-Ended Answers, Grouped But Unfiltered: This file shows all the text responses received. They have been ordered by the level of agreement i.e. all comments linked to a rating of 1 on a certain principle are shown together.
ICP-2 Questionnaire Full Text PDF
PDF Open-Ended Answers, Grouped and Filtered: This file filters out all the highly-similar responses identified as likely to have been generated using artificial intelligence tools.
ICP-2 Questionnaire Filtered Dataset PDF
ICANN Public Comment
ICANN held a Public Comment process in parallel with the RIR questionnaire. 14 responses were submitted through ICANN’s process.
Last modified on 07/03/2025