RIR Comparative Policy Overview 2012-01

Posted & filed under RIR Comparative Policy Overview.

RIR Comparative Policy Overview (version 2012-01) (version 2012-01) The goal of this document is to provide a comparative overview of policies across the Regional Internet Registry (RIR) system. It is not a policy statement by the RIRs, but serves as a reference for the Internet community. While this document was accurate on the date of publication, it may be outdated… Read More

Outreach Letter to ITU BDT Director

Posted & filed under Documents.

Letter from NRO Chairman to Brahima Sanou, Director, ITU BDT. On 14 May 2012, John Curran, Chair of the Number Resource Organization (NRO) wrote to the Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT), International Telecommunication Union. The communication referenced a letter sent in March 2011 offering the NRO’s collaboration on IPv6 capacity building for developing countries.

Outreach Letter to ITU Secretary-General

Posted & filed under Documents.

Letter from NRO Chairman offering the ITU assistance in capacity building activities. On 29 February 2012, John Curran, Chair of the Number Resource Organization (NRO) wrote to The Honorable Dr. Hamadoun I. Touré, Secretary General of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), seeking to enter into discussions regarding the opportunities for the two organizations to work collaboratively on IPv6 deployment and… Read More

Meeting of the NRO Executive Council – 120222

Posted & filed under NRO Executive Council Meetings.

Minutes 22 February 2012 Teleconference Executive Council Attendees: Chairman: John Curran, JC CHAIR (ARIN) Secretary: Paul Wilson, PW (APNIC) Treasurer: Adiel Akplogan, AA (AFRINIC) Members: Axel Pawlik, AP (RIPE NCC), Raul Echeberria, ER (LACNIC) – absent Secretariat: German Valdez (APNIC) Bhadrika Magan (APNIC) Sarah Hu (APNIC) Observers: Akinori Maemura, AM (APNIC) Arturo Servin, AS (LACNIC) (for RE) Hartmut Glaser, HG… Read More

RIR Comparative Policy Overview 2011-04

Posted & filed under RIR Comparative Policy Overview.

RIR Comparative Policy Overview (version 2011-04) (version 2011-04) The goal of this document is to provide a comparative overview of policies across the Regional Internet Registry (RIR) system. It is not a policy statement by the RIRs, but serves as a reference for the Internet community. While this document was accurate on the date of publication, it may be outdated… Read More

Meeting of the NRO Executive Council – 120117

Posted & filed under NRO Executive Council Meetings.

Minutes 17 January 2012 Teleconference Executive Council Attendees: Chairman: John Curran, JC CHAIR (ARIN) Secretary: Paul Wilson, PW (APNIC) Treasurer: Adiel Akplogan, AA (AFRINIC) – absent Members: Axel Pawlik, AP (RIPE NCC), Raul Echeberria, ER (LACNIC) Secretariat: Adam Gosling (APNIC) Samantha Marks (APNIC) Sunny Chendi (APNIC) Observers: Akinori Maemura, AM (APNIC) Arturo Servin, AS (LACNIC) Hartmut Glaser, HG (LACNIC) Nate… Read More

Meeting of the NRO Executive Council – 111220

Posted & filed under NRO Executive Council Meetings.

Minutes December 20, 2011 Teleconference Executive Council Attendees: Chairman: Raúl Echeberría, CHAIR (LACNIC) Secretary: John Curran, JC, (ARIN) Treasurer: Paul Wilson, PW (APNIC) Members: Adiel Akplogan, AA (AFRINIC), Axel Pawlik, AP (RIPE NCC) Secretariat: German Valdez, APNIC Observers: Akinori Maemora – APNIC Scott Bradner – ARIN Nate Davis ND – ARIN Susan Hamlin – ARIN Andres Piazza – AnP –… Read More

RIR Comparative Policy Overview 2011-03

Posted & filed under RIR Comparative Policy Overview.

RIR Comparative Policy Overview (version 2011-03) (version 2011-03) The goal of this document is to provide a comparative overview of policies across the Regional Internet Registry (RIR) system. It is not a policy statement by the RIRs, but serves as a reference for the Internet community. While this document was accurate on the date of publication, it may be outdated… Read More

Meeting of the NRO Executive Council – 111115

Posted & filed under NRO Executive Council Meetings.

Minutes 15 November 2011 Teleconference Executive Council Attendees: Chairman: Raúl Echeberría, CHAIR (LACNIC) Secretary: John Curran, JC, (ARIN) Treasurer: Paul Wilson, PW (APNIC) Members: Adiel Akplogan, AA (AFRINIC), Axel Pawlik, AP (RIPE NCC) Secretariat: Therese Colosi, ARIN Observers: Pablo Hinojosa, PH – APNIC Akinori Maemora, AM – APNIC Scott Bradner , SB – ARIN Nate Davis, ND – ARIN Susan… Read More

NRO to Lead Key Internet Infrastructure Discussions at 2011 IGF

Posted & filed under NRO News, Press Releases.

IPv6 Deployment and Internet Governance workshops to highlight importance of multi-stakeholder cooperation Nairobi, Kenya, 26 September 2011 – The Number Resource Organization (NRO), made up of the world’s five Regional Internet Registries, will lead key discussions about Internet infrastructure at the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) this week. NRO representatives will host two workshops, and invite all stakeholders to participate to… Read More