Meeting of the NRO Executive Council – 150324

Minutes of the NRO EC teleconference held on Tuesday March 24th 2015 at 11:00 AM UTC

Executive Council:

Axel Pawlik (AP) RIPE NCC Chair
John Curran (JC) ARIN Treasurer
Patrisse Deesse (PD) AFRINIC
Paul Wilson (PW) APNIC


Nate Davis (ND) ARIN
Pablo Hinojosa (PH) APNIC
Nick Hyrka (NH) RIPE NCC
Andrew de la Haye (AH) RIPE NCC


Oscar Robles (OR) LACNIC


German Valdez (GV) NRO

Draft Agenda

0) Welcome
1) Agenda Review
2) Minutes Approval
a) January 20th 2015
b) February 13th 2015
3) Review Action Items
4) CG input / Consultation
a) PACG proposal re IGF funding
5) IANA Stewardship Transition Update
a) Composition of Review Committee
6) NRO / RIR accountability review as per CRISP proposal
7) GPDP process review as per CRISP proposal
8) IGF
a) Financing
b) Workshop proposals
9) Joint RIR stability Fund
10)New gTLD auction proceeds
11)Next Meeting
13 Adjourn

0) Welcome

AP welcomed attendees and started the meeting at 11:05 AM UTC.

AP asked GV taking note of any decisions that would require OR confirmation.

1) Agenda Review

AP asked for any changes in the proposed agenda.

No additions were made and agenda was adopted as above.

2) Minutes Approval

AP asked GV for the status of the pending minutes.

GV said that January and February minutes were pending for approval.

AP moved to approve January minutes.

JC, PW and PD were ok with January minutes.

According to February minutes, PW asked confirmation of the increase to 105 K contribution to the IGF.

JC asked to take the February minutes to the EC list.

AP considered the record accurate from February meeting on regards to IGF increase contribution to 105K. AP reminded that the EC is still waiting a recommendation from the PACG on how to channel part of the money.

AP asked to resend February minutes to the EC list and wait for OR confirmation before considering the January minutes approved.

3) Review Open Actions.

AP asked GV to go through the list of open actions.

GV said he changed the review the open actions by owners.

New Action Item 150213-05: NRO EC to consult with their Boards regarding the creation of the Joint RIR stability fund and confirm their position on the proposal.

Point to be discussed as agenda item.

AP suggested keeping the action item open until all reports have been sent to the EC list.

STATUS: In progress

New Action Item 150213-03: NRO-EC subject to the completion of action item 150213-02 to use the materials produced by the CCG and liaise with their regional ccTLD organizations to explain and clarify any questions regarding Number Community proposal.

Status: Open. Pending conclusion of action item 150213-02

New Action Item 150213-08 All CEO to share in the EC mailing list their strategic plans.

GV confirmed all strategic plans have been submitted and the next step would be to find the commons strategic plans in all RIR.

Status: DONE

Action Item 150213-01: AP to contact CRISP Team and brief them about the misinterpretations raised in ICANN community regarding the Number Community proposal and ask their cooperation with CCG in the elaboration of slide deck and FAQ document explaining proposal.

Status: DONE

Action Item 150120-01: AP contact CRISP team to thank them for their work in the drafting of the Number Community proposal and communicate the expectation of the NRO EC to continue their work in the coming phases of the ICG consultations.

Status: DONE

Action Item 150120-02: AP to ask the legal team to start drafting the Number Community SLA considering community feedback.

Status: DONE

Action Item 150120-03: AP to send an email to Izumi Okutani, Nurani Nimpuno and Alan Barret and consult if they would be available to replace AA in the ICG. Based on the feedback the NRO EC to select a new Number Community representative in the ICG.

Status: DONE

Action Item 150120-05: AP to contact ISOC and look for an update about first I* meeting in 2015.

Status: DONE

Action Item 150120-06: AP to coordinate Louie Lee the 10 minutes ASO/NRO presentation to be delivered in ICANN meeting in Singapore.

Status: DONE

Action Item 150120-07: AP and GV to work in a draft agenda for the face-to-face meeting in Singapore. Based on that information the NRO EC should decide if there will a one or two days meeting.

Status: DONE

Action Item 150120-08: AP to meet with IDEA staff in Singapore to establish details of the service proposal and report back to the NRO EC

Status: Taken by events. Closed

New Action Item 150213-04: PW to draft a set of recitals to be considered in the SLA document.

Status: DONE

New Action Item 150213-11 JC to prepare a paper explaining the RIR community governance and accountability mechanisms to the community and addressing concerns about capture.

GV confirmed the publication in the NRO Website of the content submitted by JC.

Action Item 150213-07: PACG to recommend the NRO EC a channel for the contribution to IGF.

Status: Open

Action Item 141018-03: PACG to include Governing Board Structure, Budget and Activity Approval, Fee Approval and Bylaw/Operational Document Control information to the RIR Governance Matrix.

Status: Open

Action Item 141018-04: PACG based on the RIR Governance Matrix propose to the NRO EC those areas where could be consolidation or harmonization among the RIR.

Status: Open

New Action Item 150213-02: CCG in coordination and with the approval of the CRISP Team to prepare a slide deck and FAQ document explaining the Number Community proposal.

GV reported that the FAQ document has received feedback from the CRISP Team and a second version of the document was ready to be sent to the CRISP Team and EC list. GV added that the slide deck has been shared to the CRISP Team for a first round of feedback and comments.

Status: In Progress.

New Action Item 150213-06: CFO to document how they calculate the registration services only amount

GV reminded of the document sent to the EC list and the feedback received from PW

PW said that he’d prefer that all five RIR present a simple report stating public figures maybe taken from financial reports. PW said that he sent to the list an example based on the actual figures from APNIC.

JC supported PW suggestion but noting that public information of the figures might not be available in all cases so data should refer to public information when is possible.

PW agreed.

GV said he’d pass the input to the CFO.

Status: In Progress.

Action Item 150213-10 GV to communicate to the CCG to bear in mind the opportunities to promote the outcomes of completed ECG projects and include them in NRO reports.

Status: DONE

Action Item 150213-09 GV and COO to present a compiled document with intersections of strategic activities among the 5 RIR as the basis of a NRO strategic document.

GV said he would work to have something to be discussed by the EC meeting in London.

Status: OPEN

Action Item 150120-04: GV to prepare a list of confirmed candidates based on ASO and NRO discussion and submit it to the EC list.

GV reminded that the action was completed with the appointment of Jorge Villa to the CCWG.

Status: DONE

Action Item 141202-01: GV to communicate to the CG on the NRO EC expectation to organize their face-to-face meeting around Internet related industry meetings where most of the CG members converge or participate.

Status: DONE

Action Item 141202-02: GV to compile CG work plans and detect interactions between the CG.

Status: DONE

Action Item 141202-04: GV to draft NRO EC meetings procedures

GV said he sent a document with a set of procedures for EC meetings. GV said he started implemented the procedures on this meeting. GV said the document was based on different feedback received in the past months. GV asked for further feedback and discussion in the EC list.

Status: DONE

Action Item 140218-05: AA and GV to work with the CFO to determine the indirect cost from each RIR in their support to NRO activities.

GV said that he was still pending information from a couple of RIR. GV said he’d ask support from the COO to complete the action.

Status: In Progress

PW thanked GV for the new format of the actions items. PW suggested marking in advance of the EC meeting those actions items known as completed so the EC could focus on the outstanding tasks.

In regards to action 140218-05, PW said some clarity should be established on what are those indirect costs. PW said he’d consider as indirect costs the time of the RIR staff on NRO CG activities so in that case the COO should also be involved in the task.

AP agreed with PW

GV said that travel expenses of RIR staff traveling to global coordination activities should also be considered.

Given the date of the action, ND asked if the action was still valid

AP considered the action not in the highest priority but still relevant.

4) CG input / Consultation

a) PACG proposal re IGF funding

AP asked PH on the status of the proposal.

PH said that the PACG had a teleconference last week but they didn’t arrive to a conclusion on the matter.

AP said he was looking forward to receiving the proposal from the PACG.

AP asked AH on updates on the ECG

AH reported that half of the ECG was currently in the IETF in Dallas. AH said that the main topic of discussion in the ECG was the technical alignment of the RPKI trust anchor infrastructure. AH said that the ECG was working in a plan and cost estimates.

5) IANA Stewardship Transition Update

a) Composition of Review Committee

PW said that the solution of the composition of the Review Committee could be a simple structure but the actual process to arrive to the structure was critical. PW suggested that since the Review Committee proposal comes from the CRISP Team the EC could ask them for guidance or even a proposal considering consultion with the Number Community. PW suggested that the EC should consider an open process instead of providing a solution.

AP and JC agreed with PW.

New Action Item 150324-01: AP to ask CRISP Team a proposal for the composition of the Review Committee. The proposal might consider broader consultation with the Number Community.

6) NRO / RIR accountability review as per CRISP proposal

AP suggested that this issue could be tackled in a similar way that the previous topic.

JC said he has not problem consulting with the CRISP Team on a proposal to review the RIR accountability but suggested the EC to think in a long term permanent process.

AP considered that are structural issues of the periodic review that should be set out and settle for the future. AP said that the as long as the IANA transition is on going the consultation should go through the CRISP Team.

JC and PW agreed

New Action Item 150324-02: AP to ask CRISP Team for a proposal for the RIR acountability review. The proposal might consider broader consultation with the Number Community.

7) GPDP process review as per CRISP proposal

AP suggested to dig deeper on this topic and comeback to the list for further discussion.

New Action Item 150324-03: AP to review the aspects of GPDP process review as per the CRISP Proposal and comeback to the EC list with topics of discussions.

8) IGF

a) Financing

AP reminded from the February minutes about the continuation of the 100k USD financial contribution to the IGF through the UNDESA fund in order to avoid any perception of change of priorities in the support to the IGF. AP added that the PACG was going to suggest other channels of contribution for an additional 5K.

b) Workshop proposals

AP reminded of the coming deadline for the submission of IGF proposals.

PH reported that the PACG is working in a proposal in coordination with GSMA.

PH said that the workshop would comprise on how Internet and Telecom industries work together. PH expected to have further updates for the EC in the coming dates.

JC recommended to have at least one workshop in the coming IGF.

PW considered that are big changes in the topics of IPv4 exhaustion and adoption of IPv6 during this year. PW suggested that the NRO put a straightforward proposal providing an update on the status on those topics.

JC agreed with the approach.

9) Joint RIR stability Fund

AP reported that the topic has been discussed with the RIPE NCC board, they agreed to contribute and to have some procedures on the use of the fund.

JC said that in the case of the use of the fund the NRO formula cannot be used to calculate the proportion. JC suggested that in terms of proportion, it probably needs to be allocated either evenly among all RIRs which have pledged or in proportion to the total pledged. JC said that any request for funds should be approved by the NRO EC

AP agreed. AP said that the use of the fund it’d depend on circumstances and the urgency. AP volunteered to draft a couple of issues to be considered in the RIR stability fund procedures.

PW said that pledges could be earmarked and contribute it until need it.

JC agreed. JC suggested to document simple statements on the use of the fund to prevent wrong assumptions.

AP suggested that once the NRO EC agrees on the establishment of the fund and the necessarily details, the information should be made public in the RIR communities and the NRO website.

AP asked for any updates on the board discussions in other RIR.

PW said that the APNIC EC would be able to establish the earmark by their mid year meeting.

JC said that ARIN Board of Trustees would probable make a decision in their next meeting in April.

PD said that the AFRINIC Board would discuss the issue deeper in their face-to-face meeting in the coming month.

10) New gTLD auction proceeds

AP reported that in the last ASO AC teleconference the issue was discussed and the general view considered the topic out of the scope of the AC charter with the excepcion of one opinion who volunteered to document the impact of new GTLD auctions in the Number Community. AP would keep the EC informed on the developments on this matter.

11) Next Meeting

Next Teleconference is scheduled by Tuesday April 21st at 11:00 AM UTC

PW suggested for the meeting in London to meet for lunch on Thursday April 30th.

AP said he’d do his best to arrive on time.

12) AOB

PW asked about an update on the CEO selection in AFRINIC.

PD said that the AFRINIC board interviewed three candidates face-to-face and currently there is one person selected. PD said that announcement would depend on contract negatiotions but one scenario is to have a CEO starting by mid next month.

13) Adjourn

AP moved to adjourned the meeting at 12:03 PM UTC

JC seconded.

New Actions Items

New Action Item 150324-01: AP to ask CRISP Team a proposal for the composition of the Review Committee. The proposal might consider broader consultation with the Number Community.

New Action Item 150324-02: AP to ask CRISP Team for a proposal for the RIR acountability review. The proposal might consider broader consultation with the Number Community.

New Action Item 150324-03: AP to review the aspects of GPDP process review as per the CRISP Proposal and comeback to the EC list with topics of discussions.

Last modified on 27/04/2015