Teleconference 17 February 2009, 11H00 UTC
Executive Council Attendees:
- Adiel Akplogan (AA, Chairman)
- Raul Echeberria (RE, Treasurer)
- John Curran (JC)
- Axel Pawlik (AP, Secretary)
- Paul Wilson (PW)
Other Attendees:
- German Valdez (GV)
- Sam Mader (SM)
- Welcome and agenda review
- Adoption of last meeting’s minutes
- Review Action Items
- Next NRO retreat planning
- Preparation of activities with the GAC
- ALAC Meeting
- RESCERT: NRO statement on trust anchors
- Candidates for IGF MAG
- Permanent distribution of NRO functions
- NRO plans for the WTPF
- Adjournment
1. Review of past minutes
The Chair made a roll call and the presence of the quorum was noted. The meeting was called to order at 1105 UTC. The Chair welcomed all the participants.
The Chair reviewed the agenda. He noted the addition of agenda point 5.2. He asked for comments and there were none.
2. Adoption of last meeting’s minutes
AA moved: “The EC adopts the minutes of the 22 January 2009 meeting, as last presented to the EC list by the secretariat.”
There were no objections.
Action Item 200902-01: The secretariat to publish the minutes of the 22 January 2009 teleconference, and also of the draft minutes of the teleconference of 17 February 2009, as soon as they become available.
3. Review Action Items
The Action Items were reviewed and marked as appropriate. See below.
4. Next NRO retreat planning
The online coordination converged on week 23 / 1 June as possibility.
Action Item 200902-03: The chairman to prepare organisation of the NRO EC retreat for week 23.
5.1 Preparation of activities with the GAC
AA reported that the meeting was confirmed. Discussion ensued about preparation for the meeting; it was agreed to give a short 5-10 minutes presentation to be followed by dialogue.
Action Item 200902-04: AP & AA to draft a presentation for the meeting with the GAC during the ICANN meetings in Mexico.
5.2 ALAC Meeting
RE commented that the NRO should be represented.
As neither NRO EC members nor the AC chairman was available, it was agreed to check for RIR board member availability.
Action Item 200902-05: All to check board member availability to represent the RIRs at the ALAC meeting on the Saturday before the ICANN meetings and to report back to the mailing list asap.
6. RESCERT: NRO statement on trust anchors
The issue of trust anchors for resource certification, and PW’s related draft statement were discussed. It was agreed to further edit the statement, JC agreed to take this on.
Action Item 200902-06: JC to edit and re-circulate PW’s draft statement on RPKI trust anchors.
Action Item 200902-07: All to instruct all RIR staff working on RPKI to engage Mark Kosters to explore trust anchors issues.
7. Candidates for IGF MAG
Discussing a possible list of RIR representatives on the IGF MAG, AP noted that Dmitry Burkov of the RIPE NCC board would be willing and able to serve on the MAG.
It was agreed that RE would raise the topic privately with Marcus Kummer during the IGF discussions in Geneva the following week.
8. Permanent distribution of NRO functions
The topic was postponed to the next meeting.
9. NRO plans for the WTPF
As no information was available at this time, the discussion of this topic was postponed to be taken up on the mailing list soon.
10. AOB
JC updated the group on progress of the ARIN CEO search. It is a possibility that an announcement will be made by end of February or mid-March. JC stated that he and the ARIN board are very confident about the quality of the candidates.
11. Adjournment
AA adjourned the meeting at 1201 UTC.
Action Items
Action item 200901-01: The secretariat to correct and re-publish the draft minutes of the 19 August 2008 teleconference.
Status: done
Action item 200901-02: The Chairman to set up options, on doodle, for an NRO EC retreat before the middle of the year.
Status: done
Action Item 200901-03: The Chairman to contact the GAC chairman for coordination of a meeting with the NRO during the ICANN Mexico meeting.
Status: done
Action item 200901-04: The Chairman to coordinate with ICANN for a meeting concerning the NRO contribution to the ICANN budget, during the ICANN Mexico meeting.
Status: discussed with Bart, it was agreed to have a meeting, details to be announced.
Action item 200901-05: The Chairman to inform the ASO AC Chairman of the decision to reimburse economy class fares for up to three qualified candidates, who would otherwise not be able to attend, plus a maximum of two nights’ accommodation and expenses.
Status: done
Action item 200901-06: All to send their policies for the reimbursement of ASO AC members to the mailing list.
Status: done
Action item 200901-07: AP to enquire with Paul Rendek what ISOC’s expectations are regarding NRO participation in the ITU World event.
Status: ongoing
Action item 200901-08: All, to nominate one person each to be included in the NRO’s slate of MAG candidates, within two weeks.
Status: done
Action item 200901-09: GV to report back to the CCG that a face-to-face meeting was supported by the NRO EC.
Status: done
Action item 200901-10: RE to retrieve the report from the RS Services Managers Ad Hoc Group.
Status: open
Action item 200901-11: All to analyse the document on a proposed permanent distribution of NRO functions in preparation of the next NRO EC teleconference.
Status: open.
Action Item 200902-01: The secretariat to publish the minutes of the 22 January 2009 teleconference, and also of the draft minutes of the teleconference of 17 February 2009, as soon as they become available.
Action Item 200902-02: The Chairman to draft letter to ICANN confirming the RIR contribution for one more year.
Action Item 200902-03: The chairman to prepare organization of the NRO EC retreat for week 23.
Action Item 200902-04: AP & AA to draft a presentation for the meeting with the GAC during the ICANN meetings in Mexico.
Action Item 200902-05: All to check board member availability to represent the RIRs at the ALAC meeting on the Saturday before the ICANN meetings and to report back to the mailing list asap.
Action Item 200902-06: JC to edit and re-circulate PW’s draft statement on RPKI trust anchors.
Action Item 200902-07: All to instruct all RIR staff working on RPKI to engage Mark Kosters to explore trust anchors issues.
Last modified on 02/09/2020