Los Angeles, USA, 14:30 UTC
Axel Pawlik (AP) – RIPE NCC
Ray Plzak (RP) – ARIN
Adiel Akplogan (AA) – AFRINIC
Raul Echeberria (RE) – LACNIC
Paul Wilson (PW) – APNIC
Paul Rendek (PR) – RIPE NCC
German Valdez (GV) – LACNIC
Richard Jimmerson (RJ) – ARIN
Minutes taken by GV and RE.
1. Agenda Bashing
2. Next Meeting
3. Approval of Minutes of Meeting 051019
4. Action List
5. WSIS Pavilion update (Paul Rendek)
6. Parliament Magazine article
7. Input to ICANN strategy paper
8. Status NRO incorporation documents
9. Status ICANN contribution / IANA Service Contract drafts
10. Agreement to accept APNIC proposal re Geoff
11. Admin. relocation between RIR service areas (Guam)
12. ITU Plenipot
13. NRO presentation draft at ICANN meetings.
14. Means of comms with ITU other than liaison.
15. Google advertising
16. Regionalization of ICANN (re WSIS)
17. New agreements between ICANN and Verisign
1. Agenda Bashing
RE will bring a point in AOB only if there is time. Rest of the agenda ok.
2. Next Meeting
IIt was decided that October 27th meeting will be held until 8.45 am Local time (15:45 UTC)
The meeting will continue today between 12.45 ( 19:45 UTC )and 13.45 (20:45 UTC) and tomorrow Oct 28th between 7.30 (14:30 UTC) and 8.45 (15:45 UTC)
Next meetings will be held
- Thursday 3rd November 2000 UTC and
- Tuesday 8th November 2000 UTC
3. Approval of Minutes of Meeting 051019
This point was postponed for the next meeting.
4. Action List
The revision of the Action List was postponed for the next meeting.
5. WSIS Pavilion update
PR gave a detailed report about the contributions to the booth, NRO presentations, products and documentation , distribution of stand and still pending issues. On pending issues PR asked to the EC if will be a NRO statement available in the NRO stand.
RE mentioned that he has an action in elaborated such statement. The statement will be circulated before the meeting and also have a printed version available.
PR offered that the CCG will write a list of potential questions that might be asked at the Tunis booth; the EC to answer these questions.
No actions were decided.
It was discussed the total amount of money that the NRO should spend in this project.
Based on the information presented by Paul Rendek, RP moves to allocate 25.000 U$S for this project.
RE seconds
All in favour (5,0,0)
6. Parliament Magazine article
PW informs that the article was submitted with the appropriated characteristics to fit the magazine requirements. the NRO should pay U$S 3.400
NRO EC 05-88 051027:
PW – To Pay U$S 3400 to Parliament Magazine on behalf of the NRO
7. Input to ICANN strategy paper
The actions already approved by the EC regarding this point, continue open.
No new actions were approved.
8. Status NRO incorporation documents
AP is waiting for the final comments on the documents that have been already circulated.
AP will talk with Eduardo Jimenez, the coordinator of the Legal Team in order to let him know that soon all the comments will be passed again to the Legal team. The comments should be sent by the members of the EC to the list in the next 24 hours.
9. Status ICANN contribution / IANA Service Contract drafts
NRO EC 05-89 051027:
RP – to send clean copy of the current document regarding the contract between IANA and the NRO, to the EC.
NRO EC 05-90 051027:
AP – to forward the last clean version of the documents regarding the contract between IANA and the NRO to the RIR Boards.
10. Agreement to accept APNIC proposal re Geoff
The EC realize that there is not agreement on this point.
The respective Boards will send their positions to the RIR Board list.
11. Admin. relocation between RIR service areas (Guam)
RE Proposed to have a way to deal with these situations.
AA stated that this request can have political consequences or be used for political purposes. It is necessary to have an agreement on the definition of the regions and then ask the regions to honor that.
AP The definition of the regions is written down somewhere. There is no concrete reason for discuss this. The EC should be prepared in case the discussion comes up.
RP At some point in time the EC must state about the definitions that the RIR use for the regions.
After further discussion about the consequences and impacts of this requests, all participants were agreed about the importance of providing information and reasoning behind the division of the regions in order to show that it’s not completely arbitrary,
The following New action was decided.
NRO EC 05-91 051027:
RP – PW: To work together in an answer to ICANN regarding the interest expressed by some organizations from Guam regarding their belonging to a given region service.
12. ITU Plenipot
It was established that the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference, with the participation of different stakeholders among them civil society, will take place between November 6 and November 24, 2006
RP Asked Richard Hill specifically if there were going to be any IP addressing issues. Mr Hill stated that they would be dealing primarily with IETF and going forward with Internet Governance discussion after the WSIS. RP asked then that the NRO be included in those discussions.
RP suggested to pay attention to topic and include this in the planning for the future.
RE Proposed to send a formal letter requesting more information about the Plenipotentiary. Keep informed informed about the evolution of the agenda, ways to participate, preparatory meetings and so on.
This was agreed. RE volunteered to draft the letter.
NRO EC 05-92 051027:
RE – To write a letter requesting more information on the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference.
NRO EC 05-93 051027:
AP – to ask CCG to work after the summit in the plan for next year considering the Plenipotentiary Assembly of ITU.
13. NRO presentation draft at ICANN meetings.
AP: Proposed to put the NRO Chair in an email to Paul Twomey.
RP it should be a Board action.
AP: The reasoning is that we need clarify with ICANN the NRO role in the ASO, so it would be very fitting that we put it forward formally ourselves.
After further discussion the following action was decided:
NRO EC 05-94 051027:
AP – To sent an email to Vint Cerf (with cc to Paul Twomey) to emphasize the role of the NRO in its function as the ASO.
14. Means of comms with ITU
RP ARIN board wants to go forward with some mechanism, so we have to define our internal processes in the communication between ITU and NRO. RP asked for any ideas about what things would like to see in that plan.
NRO EC 05-95 051027:
RP – to draft and send to the EC internal NRO procedures for communicating with ITU
15. Google advertising
Resolutions on this point were postponed.
16. Regionalization of ICANN (re WSIS)
RE: LACNIC and other organizations have sent a formal letter asking the ICANN regional representative.
PW: What should we do as the NRO?
RE To work with the regional communities and develop relationships, for example in order to facilitate the participation of the communities of developing countries, organizing regional meetings with governments and so on.
RP expects few changes in the corporation.
After further discussion, it was agreed that the regionalization of ICANN is very important. It would not consist only in the appointment of regional liaisons but in the delegation of activities to the regional offices and the development of new regional activities.
NRO EC 05-96 051027:
RP – To take this point in consideration for the NRO’s comments to the ICANN strategic plan.
17. New agreements between ICANN and Verisign
This point was postponed for the next meeting.
At this point the meeting was adjourned
NRO-EC 04-78, 041203:
RP – to draft plan regarding NRO server placement.
NRO EC 05-46 050609:
AP – To request a list of actions items to the ECG Chair.
NRO EC 05-56 050809:
AP – Follow up the RIR conflict of interest posture and prepare a consistent statement to the ICANN Board regarding to this topic.
NRO EC 05-63 050809:
AP – To contact the IETF chairs with the question of whether or not a continued liaison between NRO and IETF is seen as a benefit to the IETF.
NRO EC 05-69 050907:
AP – Define requirements for Richard and Frederico so they may continue their work on backup/recovery plan.
NRO EC 05-70 050907:
AP – NRO EC chair task the chair of the CCG to come up with requirements definitions of the NRO website.
NRO EC 05-73 050907:
All – review ICANN Strategic Plan and send comments to NRO-EC list.
NRO EC 05-74 050907:
RP – Compile comments of all NRO EC member comments to ICANN strategic plan.
NRO EC 05-76 051019:
RP – To put together an outline of the presentation regarding the relationship between ASO, NRO and ICANN, for the meeting with ICANN.
NRO EC 05-77 051019:
All – To send, before Saturday, topics or questions for RP to discuss with Richard Hill in his meeting next Monday.
NRO EC 05-78 051019:
RE – To prepare a draft statement on WSIS.
NRO EC 05-79 051019:
AP – To contact Ambassador Khan to ensure we will have passes to enter and speak at the discussion room.
NRO EC 05-80 051019:
All – To send our very last set of comments to the incorporation documents before next Wednesday and then compile them and send a finalized set of comments to the lawyers so they can work on the final version a week later.
NRO EC 05-81 051019:
AP – To get a clean version of the latest version of the incorporation documents from the lawyers and circulate them.
NRO EC 05-82 051019:
AP – To take the two drafts regarding IANA contracts to the EC list so everyone can take a final look at them and, even if they don’t necessarily agree with the content, they can establish that they are suitable to be discussed by the boards.
NRO EC 05-83 051019:
RP – To send a message to ICANN saying that the NRO have agreed that the amount for the year should be the U$S 823,000 and that we will get back to them on this as soon as we can.
NRO EC 05-84 051019:
AP – To ask Curtis what has happened with this draft (IANA special use address assignments).
NRO EC 05-85 051019:
PW – To get back to RP regarding the new version of the “Code of Conduct” so that RP can put it on the list.
NRO EC 05-86 051019:
AP – To ask the CCG chair to draft the article for Parliament Magazine.
NRO EC 05-87 051019:
RE – To present his expense report regarding the WGIG as he sees fit and AP will make sure it is paid.
NRO EC 05-88 051027:
PW – To Pay U$S 3400 to Parliament Magazine on behalf of the NRO
NRO EC 05-89 051027:
RP – to send clean copy of the current document regarding the contract between IANA and the NRO, to the EC.
NRO EC 05-90 051027:
AP – to forward the last clean version of the documents regarding the contract between IANA and the NRO to the RIR Boards.
NRO EC 05-91 051027:
RP – PW – To work together in an answer to ICANN regarding the interest expressed by some organizations from Guam regarding their belonging to a given region service.
NRO EC 05-92 051027:
RE – To write a letter requesting more information on the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference.
NRO EC 05-93 051027:
AP – to ask CCG to work after the summit in the plan for next year considering the Plenipotentiary Assembly of ITU.
NRO EC 05-94 051027:
AP – To sent an email to Vint Cerf (with cc to Paul Twomey) to emphasize the role of the NRO in its function as the ASO.
NRO EC 05-95 051027:
RP – to draft and send to the EC internal NRO procedures for communicating with ITU
NRO EC 05-96 051027:
RP – To take this point in consideration for the NRO’s comments to the ICANN strategic plan.
Last modified on 02/09/2020