16 June 2004, 2200 UTC
Participants: Raúl Echeberría (RE), Axel Pawlik (AP), Ray Plzak (RP), Paul Wilson (PW)
1. Opening, New Agenda points, Apologies
2. Previous Minutes
3. Review of Action Items
5. ASO MoU
6. Release of Funds to ICANN
7. ECG Activity
8. CCG Activity
9. Incorporation
10. Service Contract
11. Liaison
New Actions
Old Actions
1. Opening, New Agenda Points, Apologies
The Chair opened the meeting at 2200 UTC.
No new agenda points were added.
2. Previous Minutes
RP motioned that EC adopts minutes of 040505, Amsterdam as amended by PW. PW seconded, all in favour, 4:0:0.
3. Review of Action Items
The action items were reviewd and marked, as appropriate.
RP reported that John Curran had talked to Vint Cerf about IANA issues, Cerf acknowledged that it is an ICANN problem, not an RIR problem. An IANA advisory committee is likely to be set up. RIR participation would be welcome. RP offers to start off as liaison officer. PW offered to also take part as NRO chair, but cautions against pushing more than one participant from the RIRs. RE: Need to be close to IANA, should RIR board members join? RP noted the need for education of board members on the operational details. AP agreed with RP. RP and PW volunteer to be part of the IANA Advisory Committee, once it is set up.
The question of a meeting with Doug Barton was raised, following an e-mail from PW. RP to draft invitation.
NRO-EC 04-42, 040616:
RP: To draft invitation to Doug Barton, for a meeting with NRO EC.
5. ASO MoU
PW volunteered to send revised document to ICANN, with a cover letter – explaining comments received on original documents do not reflect substantial changes. Changes to be highlighted. Expect reply from PT re: showstopper or not. Comment on ‘comments document’ needs release, at same time. PW to draft cover note. RP to finalise ‘comments on comments’.
NRO-EC 04-43, 040616:
PW to draft cover note for sending revised MoU document to ICANN.
NRO-EC 04-44, 040616:
RP to finalise the “Comments on comments” document.
6. Release of Funds to ICANN.
AP reviewed NCC schedule. RP agreed with releasing some funds on MoU signing.
Equally PW authorized to release funds in coordination with NRO. LACNIC had no objections to this. AP to re-send NCC position to EC list, others to add to that.
NRO-EC 04-45, 040616:
AP to re-send NCC position on fund release to EC, others to add details.
7. ECG Activity
RP to draft on .arpa delegations. 6-to-4 delegation has been requested by Executive Director of IAB.
RP: Questioned status of Joint Whois? Have we requested work plan?
AP to check with ECG chairman on status and update EC.
NRO-EC 04-46, 040616:
RP to draft request to delegate to the NRO.
NRO-EC 04-47, 040616:
AP to check status of Joint Whois work plan with chair of ECG.
8. CCG Activity
RP: statistics visualisation: Objections from EC?
RP: EC to task CCG. AP: emergency task force. RP sees joint PR work.
AP to send task list to CCG incorporating PW comments
NRO-EC 04-48 040616:
AP to send task list to CCG incorporating PW comments
AP to
9. Incorporation
The matter of incorporation of the NRO was discussed.
10. Service Contract
RP reported that a team of lawyers is producing a draft IANA service contract.
11 IETF Liaison
The role of IETF liaison was discussed.
RP to suggest to Leslie D to add Geoff H to rir-ietf list.
NRO-EC 04-49, 040616:
RP to suggest to Leslie Daigle to add Geoff Huston to rir-ietf list.
12. ICANN Budget Response
The importance of publishing an NRO comment to the ICANN budget proposal was discussed. In addition to that, also a private comment should be sent to ICANN.
NRO-EC 04-50, 040616:
RE to draft comments to the ICANN budget proposal.
The Chair adjourned the meeting at 2343 UTC.
NRO-EC 04-42, 040616:
RP: To draft invitation to Doug Barton, for a meeting with NRO EC.
NRO-EC 04-43, 040616:
PW to draft cover note for sending revised MoU document to ICANN.
NRO-EC 04-44, 040616:
RP to finalise the “Comments on comments” document.
NRO-EC 04-45, 040616:
AP to re-send NCC position on fund release to EC, others to add details.
NRO-EC 04-46, 040616:
RP to draft request to delegate to the NRO.
NRO-EC 04-47, 040616:
AP to check status of Joint Whois work plan with chair of ECG.
NRO-EC 04-49, 040616:
RP to suggest to Leslie Daigle to add Geoff Huston to rir-ietf list.
NRO-EC 04-50, 040616:
RE to draft comments to the ICANN budget proposal.
NRO-EC 04-31, 040505:
RE to draft comment to ICANN. “Appreciate information, request clarification on process on high level.”
NRO-EC 04-33, 040505:
JC: Draft and circulate NRO Coordination Group work principles.
NRO-EC 04-34, 040505:
PW: To respond to ECG chair’s message of concern of 040505.
DONE informally
NRO-EC 04-36, 040505:
AP: circulate access password for EC, ECG, CCG archived.
NRO-EC 04-38, 040505:
Chair: To communicate IPv4 global policy to AC for forwarding to the ICANN board.
NRO-EC 04-41, 040505:
AP: To set up
NRO-EC 04-27, 040329:
RP: To contact IAB chair to agree on formal details of liaison.
Last modified on 09/09/2020