IANA Numbering Services Review Committee

The Internet Number Community proposal to the IANA Stewardship Coordination Group (ICG) called for the establishment of an IANA Numbering Services Review Committee (IANA RC).

Role and Charter

The IANA RC’s function is to advise and assist the NRO EC in its periodic review of the service level of the IANA Numbering Services provided to the Internet Number Community. After a public consultation on the draft Review Committee Charter, the IANA Numbering Services Review Committee Charter was accepted by the ICG.


The IANA RC is composed of qualified representatives from each RIR region (see below) and each region has equal representation. Each RIR community uses established open, transparent, and bottom-up mechanisms to select their IANA RC representatives and define their terms.


The IANA Review Committee Operating Procedures were approved on 17 November 2017. The latest version of the procedures (v2.1) can be found here.

Mailing List and Meetings

The IANA RC’s meetings and mailing list archives are open to observers. The IANA Review Committee mailing list archives can be accessed here. Meeting agendas and minutes can be found here.

IANA RC Reports

The IANA RC publishes the IANA Performance Matrix Summary Report during the first quarter of each year. The report pertains to the numbering services that IANA provided to the Numbers community during the previous year. When the IANA Performance Matrix Summary Report is published, a 30-day comment period begins and the five RIR communities are invited to provide input. At the end of the comment period, the IANA RC reviews and summarizes any input received and compiles its final report. Comments received from the community during the comment period are publicly archived on this website. More information about the IANA RC reports can be found here.

IANA/PTI Number Resource Performance Reports

The IANA/PTI performance reports are delivered monthly to the Numbers community to report IANA/PTI’s performance as per the SLA.

IANA RC Representatives


Region Name Representative Term
AFRINIC Madhvi Gokool Staff
APNIC Ching-Heng Ku Community Representative 2022 – 2025
Dibya Khatiwada Community Representative 2023 – 2024
Vivek Nigam Staff
ARIN Chris Quesada Community Representative 2022 – 2024
Nick Nugent Community Representative 2023 – 2025
John Sweeting Staff
LACNIC Nathalia Sautchuk Patrício Community Representative 2022 – 2025
Sergio Rojas Community Representative 2023 – 2024
Ernesto Majó Staff
RIPE NCC Constanze Bürger Community Representative 2023 – 2025
TBC Community Representative
Marco Schmidt Staff


Former IANA RC Community Representatives

An overview of former IANA RC Community Representatives can be found here.


Date Document
11 December 2023 IANA Review Commitee Operating Procedures V2.1 [replaces v2.0]
10 October 2019 IANA Review Committee Operating Procedures v2.0 [obsolete: replaced by 2.1]
30 April 2018 IANA Review Committee Operating Procedures v1.0 [obsolete: replaced by v2.0] 
5 November 2015 IANA Numbering Services Review Committee Charter

Last modified on 11/07/2024