Global Policy for the Allocation of the Remaining IPv4 Address Space Ratified by ICANN Board

On 6 March 2009, the ICANN Board ratified the Global Policy for the Allocation of the Remaining IPv4 Address Space. The policy requires ICANN to reserve one /8 for each RIR from the IANA free pool. This has been done. The remainder of the implementation will be done once the once the IANA free pool has been fully allocated to RIRs. There are currently 32 unallocated unicast IPv4 /8s. 27 are in the IANA free pool and five are reserved under the Global Policy for the Allocation of the Remaining IPv4 Address Space.

On 4 February 2009, the Chair of the Address Supporting Organization Address Council (ASO AC) forwarded the Proposed Global Policy for the Allocation of the Remaining IPv4 Address Space for ratification by the ICANN Board. On 5 March 2009, the ASO AC submitted advice in full support of the proposal to the ICANN Board. This proposed global policy had been submitted to the ASO AC by the Executive Council of the Number Resource Organization (NRO) on 3 December 2008, and adopted by the ASO AC on 8 January 2009. Each RIR community individually discussed the policy and approved its adoption via its own policy development process.

The policy text is published on the ICANN web site at:

Last modified on 27/10/2015