NRO News

NRO participated at OECD High Level Meeting, 27-28 June

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s (OECD) High Level Meeting on the Internet Economy was held in Paris on 27-28 June 2011. The NRO, attending this meeting as part of the Internet Technical Advisory Committee (ITAC) to the OECD, was represented by Vint Cerf, ARIN Board. He made the following statement to over 300 government delegates, OECD representatives, and… Read More

ASO AC Workshop Held at ICANN 41

Representatives of the ASO Address Council (AC) hosted a workshop on regional IP addressing activities on 22 June 2011 at ICANN 41, held in Singapore. The ASO AC invited members of the technical community, representatives from government and business groups, and all others interested in the continued growth of the Internet from established regions of the world and developing economies… Read More

LACNIC Elects New Representative to the NRO NC

LACNIC is pleased to announce the election of Alejandro Guzmán Giraldo as the representative of the LACNIC region to the ASO Address Council / NRO Number Council. The election was held on 20 May 2011, during the LACNIC XV meeting in the city of Cancun, Mexico. Alejandro was elected to occupy a seat in the Address Council from 1 January… Read More

G8 Governments Urged to Embrace Multistakeholder Approach to Internet Issues

Consultations should include organizations key to the Internet’s success as a platform for global economic growth and social progress PARIS  – 23 May 2011 – In advance of the upcoming meeting of the G8 governments, a worldwide coalition of Internet organizations, including the Number Resource Organization, the Internet Society, the Internet Society France Chapter, ICANN, and the World Wide Web… Read More

APNIC Announces its IPv4 Address Pool Reaches Final /8

APNIC announced that as of Friday, 15 April 2011, its IPv4 address pool reached the Final /8 IPv4 address block, bringing the Asia Pacific region to the last Stage of IPv4 exhaustion. This is a very important milestone on the IPv4 exhaustion process at a global level. The NRO urges Internet community members to deploy IPv6 within their organizations. Deploying… Read More

NRO Response to NTIA Request for Comments on IANA Functions

The NRO Responds to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration Request for CommentsOn March 31, 2011, the NRO submitted a response to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration Request for Comments on the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) Functions. The NRO response is available at: NRO Secretariat

APNIC Appoints Andy Linton to the ASO AC

The NRO is pleased to announce that APNIC has appointed Andy Linton to the Address Supporting Organization Address Council (ASO AC). This is an interim appointment ending 31 December 2011, to replace Dr. Kenny Huang, who was recently elected to the APNIC Executive Council. NRO Secretariat

NRO letter to ICANN: the future of the IANA contract

NRO Letter to ICANN: the future of the IANA contractOn 14 March, the NRO sent a letter to ICANN endorsing a cooperative agreement on IANA functions to replace the contract between ICANN & US Government. The full text is available at: NRO Secretariat

NRO Comments on ITU IPv6 Group Liaison Statements

On March 10, 2011, The NRO submitted responses to two additional ITU IPv6 Group Liaison Statements based on its contribution to the ITU IPv6 Group meeting held in September of 2010. — NRO response to Liaison Statement 3, C19 “Problems and solutions” is available: — NRO response to Liaison Statement 4, IPv4 Issues, is available: The responses were… Read More

NRO Letter to ICANN Re: Discuss Move to a Single Trust Anchor

NRO Letter to ICANN Re: Discuss Move to a Single Trust Anchor On 24 February the NRO sent ICANN a letter asking to enter into discussions with ICANN on moving forward with an operational global trust anchor for resource certification. The NRO expressed interest in tasking ICANN with the management of the this single trust anchor.