The leaders of the Internet technical organizations responsible for coordination of the Internet infrastructure (IETF, IAB, RIRs, ccTLD ROs, ICANN, ISOC, and W3C), welcome the US Government’s announcement of the suggested changes related to the IANA functions contract. The roles on policy development processes of the Internet technical organizations and ICANN’s role as administrator of the IANA functions, remain unchanged…. Read More
NRO News
NRO Contributes to NETmundial
The Number Resource Organization (NRO) on behalf of the five Regional Internet Registries (RIRs), AFRINIC, APNIC, ARIN, LACNIC, and the RIPE NCC, submitted a contribution to the Global Multistakeholder Meeting on the Future of Internet Governance, NETmundial. The NRO’s contribution to NETmundial addresses the two submission topics: “Internet Governance Principles”, and “Roadmap for the Further Evolution of the Internet Governance Ecosystem”. You can read… Read More
Statement from the I* Leaders Coordination Meeting
Statement from the I* Leaders Coordination Meeting, Santa Monica, 14 February 2014 Leaders of the organizations responsible for coordination of the Internet technical infrastructure (loosely referred to as “I* leaders”) met last week in Santa Monica, California, USA. During the 2-day meeting, they discussed activities underway and exchanged views and updates on a range of topics including: • IETF and… Read More
2-byte Autonomous System (AS) Number Pool Nearing Depletion
In September 2013, the IANA issued its last remaining full block (1024) of 2-byte AS numbers, with 512 going to APNIC and 512 going to Ripe NCC. Of the 65,536 total AS numbers in the 2-byte pool, there now remain just 496. Following a globally coordinated policy implemented in January 2007, the five Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) began allocating 4-byte… Read More
Hartmut Glaser Reappointed to NRO Number Council
The LACNIC Board reappointed Hartmut Glaser as member of the NRO Number Council. His new term will expire on Dec. 31st, 2014. Information on the NRO Number Council can be found at:
AFRINIC Confirms 2 Positions in the NRO NC / ASO AC
AFRINIC Community re-elects Representative to the NRO Number Council /ASO Address Council During the last AFRINIC 19 Open Policy Meeting in Cote d’Ivoire, Fiona Asonga was re-elected as representative of the AFRINIC region to the NRO Number Council/ASO Address Council. Her new term will be for three (3) years from January 1st 2014 until December 31st 2016. Alan P. Barrett… Read More
APNIC EC Appoints Aftab Siddiqui to NRO NC / ASO AC
Aftab Siddiqui has been appointed by the APNIC Executive Council (EC) to serve a one-year term on the Number Resource Organization Number Council, which fulfils the role of the Address Supporting Organization Address Council, from January to December 2014. Aftab is the Manager of NOC at Cyber Internet Services (Pvt) Ltd in Pakistan, and he is an active member of… Read More
Celebrating Ten Years of the NRO
The Number Resource Organization (NRO) is celebrating its first decade as the coordinating body for the Regional Internet Registries (RIRs). Formalized through a Memorandum of Understanding on 24 October 2003, the NRO was created by the four existing RIRs at the time: APNIC, ARIN, LACNIC, and the RIPE NCC, and later AFRINIC in 2005. The NRO was established to protect… Read More
IGF 2013 in Bali a Success
The NRO participated in the 2013 IGF recently, hosting a booth to provide educational materials on Internet resources management and the open and transparent community policy development process facilitated by each RIR. The NRO sponsored two workshops, one on “IPv4 Markets and Resource Transfers” and the second on “The Importance of Regional Coordination in Internet Governance”. Throughout the week, the… Read More
2013 Internet Governance Forum – Closing Remarks
2013 Internet Governance Forum Closing Remarks Anne-Rachel Inné COO, AFRINIC Mr. Chairman, Ladies and gentlemen In Montevideo, earlier this month, leaders of our organizations responsible for the management and coordination of the Internet technical infrastructure met to discuss among other things the future of Internet governance and identified the need for ongoing effort to address ongoing challenges. To this end,… Read More