NRO News

IANA Oversight Transition Coordination Group: Hartmut Glaser Selected as ASO Representative

Developing a single proposal for future oversight of the IANA functions will require the coordination of many different viewpoints from stakeholders around the world. To facilitate this process, a Coordination Group of 25 representatives from a range of interested stakeholder groups is currently being assembled. The structure of this Coordination Group is explained here: The Coordination Group will include… Read More

IANA Oversight Transition Coordination Group: Adiel Akplogan and Paul Wilson Selected as NRO Representatives

Developing a single proposal for future oversight of the IANA functions will require the coordination of many different viewpoints from stakeholders around the world. To facilitate this process, a Coordination Group of 25 representatives from a range of interested stakeholder groups is currently being assembled. The structure of this Coordination Group is explained here: The Coordination Group will include… Read More

LACNIC Enters IPv4 Exhaustion Phase

On 10 June 2014, LACNIC announced that it had reached one /10 block of remaining addresses and IPv4 can now be considered exhausted in its service region. LACNIC will continue to distribute IPv4 addresses, but at a greatly reduced rate according to policies developed by the LACNIC community. The remaining /10 block (4,194,302 addresses) will be split into two equal /11 blocks. Members can continue… Read More

Coordination Group to Develop Process for NTIA Stewardship Transition

ICANN recently released information describing the next steps for the transition of NTIA’s stewardship of the IANA functions. According to this new information, there is call for the creation of a Coordination Group representing the main ICANN community stakeholders, including the ASO and NRO groups. This Coordination Group will define the final community-driven consultation process on the IANA functions transition. For more information, please consult ICANN’s… Read More

IANA Allocates Recovered IPv4 Addresses to RIRs

On 20 May 2014, LACNIC became the first of the five Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) to reach their last /9 of remaining IPv4 address space. This triggered a global policy for IANA to make equal allocations from its recovered IPv4 pool to each of the five RIRs. On this same day, each RIR received the equivalent of a /11 allocation… Read More

LACNIC’s IPv4 Address Pool Now Down to a /9

LACNIC’s IPv4 address pool is now down to 8,388,606 addresses, which is equivalent to a /9. This fact triggers a new phase of the IPv4 exhaustion plan designed by LACNIC for Latin America and the Caribbean based on the policies approved by the regional community. This phase, which will extend from the moment when there are 8,388,606 available IPv4 addresses… Read More

I* Post-NETmundial Meeting Statement

Leaders of the organizations responsible for coordination of the Internet technical infrastructure (loosely referred to as “I* leaders”) met on 25 April in São Paulo, Brazil following the NETmundial meeting. During the 1-day I* leaders meeting, the group considered a range of issues where dialogue among Internet technical organisations is useful. In particular, the group highlighted that the NETmundial meeting has energised the multistakeholder discussions… Read More

Internet Technical Leaders Welcome IANA Globalization Progress

The leaders of the Internet technical organizations responsible for coordination of the Internet infrastructure (IETF, IAB, RIRs, ccTLD ROs, ICANN, ISOC, and W3C), welcome the US Government’s announcement of the suggested changes related to the IANA functions contract. The roles on policy development processes of the Internet technical organizations and ICANN’s role as administrator of the IANA functions, remain unchanged…. Read More