Teleconference 16 June 2004, 2200 UTC Minutes Participants: Raúl Echeberría (RE), Axel Pawlik (AP), Ray Plzak (RP), Paul Wilson (PW) AGENDA 1. Opening, New Agenda points, Apologies 2. Previous Minutes 3. Review of Action Items 4. IANA 5. ASO MoU 6. Release of Funds to ICANN 7. ECG Activity 8. CCG Activity 9. Incorporation 10. Service Contract 11. Liaison New… Read More
Meeting of the NRO Executive Council – 040505
040505, Amsterdam Participants: John Curran (JC), Raúl Echeberría (RE), Axel Pawlik (AP) (minutes), Paul Wilson (PW), Observer: Adiel Akplogan (AA), Sabine Mader (SM) (For part of the meeting) AGENDA 1. Opening, New Agenda Points, Apologies 2. Previous minutes 3. Actions 4. ICANN budget 5. AFRINIC activities report 6. Communication with other NRO groups 7. IANA issues – 7.1 IPv4 allocations… Read More
Meeting of the NRO Executive Council – 040329
Montevideo 29 03 2004 Participants: Raúl Echeberría (RE), Axel Pawlik (AP), Ray Plzak (RP), Paul Wilson (PW) (via telephone) Apologies: Adiel Akplogan (AA) Minutes were taken by AP Agenda 1. Previous Minutes 2. Action List 3. Mission Statement 4. Logo draft 5. Appointment of NRO-EC Liaison Officer 6. ECG report and pertaining issues 7. ASO AC travel 8. IANA to… Read More
Meeting of the NRO Executive Council – 040303
Rome, Italy 3 March 2004 Draft Minutes, v1.1 Participants: Raúl Echeberría (RE), Axel Pawlik (AP), Paul Wilson (PW) Observer: Adiel Akplogan (AA) Minutes were taken by Sabine Mader (SM). AGENDA 1. Opening, New Agenda Points, Apologies 2. Minutes 3. Actions 4. AFRINIC MoU 5. IANA Ipv4 allocation for AFRINIC 6. ICANN NRO response 7. Letter to UN ICT TF 8…. Read More
Meeting of the NRO Executive Council – 031210
Geneva, Switzerland 10/12/2003 Participants: Raúl Echeberría (RE), Axel Pawlik (AP) (telephone), Ray Plzak (RP), Paul Wilson (PW) Minutes were taken by AP. Agenda 1. Appointment Chair of NRO Communications Co-ordinating Group 2. Report from meeting with Paul Twomey 3. Planning of next meeting with Paul Twomey 4. AOB PW convened the meeting at 17:45. 1. Appointment Chair of NRO Communications… Read More
Meeting of the NRO Executive Council – 031119
La Habana, Cuba 18/19 November 2003 1. Presentation of Credentials 2. Selection of Secretariat and Officers 3. Recognition of AFRINIC Observer 4. Procedures for Conducting Meetings 5. Letters of Notification 6. Statement of Operation of the NRO 7. Recognition of Engineering Coordination Group 8. Activities 9. ASO MoU 10. Parliament Magazine Article 11. IANA Relationship 12. AOB Participants: Raúl Echeberría… Read More