DRAFT Minutes Teleconference , 11:00 UTC Executive Council Attendees: Paul Wilson (PW, Chair) Adiel Akplogan (AA: Secretary ) Ray Plzak (RP) Axel Pawlik (AP) Raul Echeberria (RE) Other Attendees: Kiran Cunniah, Recording Secretary AGENDA 1. Welcome and Agenda review: Chair to lead 2. Adoption last meeting’s minutes: Paul to lead 3. Review of Open Action item 4. Roles and function… Read More
NRO Executive Council Meetings
Meeting of the NRO Executive Council – 071218
18 December 2007, Montevideo Draft minutes Present Ray Plzak (RP, Chair) Paul Wilson (PW, Secretary) Axel Pawlik (AP) Adiel Akplogan (AA) Raul Echeberria (RE) Agenda 1. Welcome The meeting was called to order at 5pm. 2. Agenda bashing No changes were made to the agenda. 3. Actions by EC Members PW moved as follows: “The NRO EC directs the following… Read More
Meeting of the NRO Executive Council – 070717
1. Meeting called to order at 11.15am UTC Present: Ray Plzak, Paul Wilson, Axel Pawlik, Raul Echeberria 2. Agenda bashing RE adds: “other options in IGF”. RP proposes to cover action items under AOB. 3. Approval of minutes of last meeting AP moves approval of minutes of last meeting as circulated. RE seconds. RP notes 4 in favour, 1 absent…. Read More
Meeting of the NRO Executive Council- 070606
Meeting called to order. Present: RP, RE, AP, PW. Absent: AA. Draft Agenda – IGF preparations – secretariat contribution – “Continuing Cooperation” Brochure – “Fifth Topic” framework – regular teleconference schedule – various registries – ASO global policy processing procedure – RIR boards meeting in Puerto Rico – ICANN letter status – AOB 1. IGC RE moved to make the… Read More
Meeting of the NRO Executive Council – 070306
DRAFT Minutes Present: RP, EC, PW Apologies: AP Agenda 1. Welcome 2. Agenda Bashing 3. Approval of Notes of meeting in AMS with ICANN 4. Approval of IPv4 Registry Document 5. Meeting with GAC 6. Action Items Procedure 7. AOB 8. Adjourn 1. Welcome RP opened the meeting at1105 UTC 2. Agenda bashing Add: IGF funding Communication with IANA regarding… Read More
Meeting of the NRO Executive Council – 061026
Teleconference , 11:12 UTC Executive Council Attendees: Raul Echeberria, Chair Adiel Akplogan, Member Axel Pawlik, Member Ray Plzak, Secretary Paul Wilson, Treasurer Other Attendees: Therese Colosi, Recording Secretary Susan Hamlin, Director of Member Services Ginny Listman, Director of Engineering Observers: Richard Jimmerson, ARIN German Valdez, LACNIC AGENDA 1. Welcome 2. Agenda Review 3. Approval of the Minutes 4. Communications Coordination… Read More
Meeting of the NRO Executive Council – 060828
Teleconference , 22:18 UTC Executive Council Attendees: Raul Echeberria, Chair Adiel Akplogan, Member Axel Pawlik, Member Ray Plzak, Secretary Paul Wilson, Treasurer Other Attendees: Therese Colosi, Recording Secretary Observers: Richard Jimmerson, ARIN AGENDA 1. Welcome 2. Agenda Review 3. Approval of the Minutes 4. Executive Council 5. ASO 6. ICANN 7. Internet Governance 8. Communications Coordination Group (CCG) 9. Any… Read More
Meeting of the NRO Executive Council – 060712
Teleconference , 12:07 UTC Executive Council Attendees: Raul Echeberria, Chair Ray Plzak, Secretary Paul Wilson, Treasurer Other Attendees: Therese Colosi, Recording Secretary Observers: Ann Lord, APNIC Susan Hamlin, ARIN Richard Jimmerson, ARIN German Valdez, LACNIC Paul Rendeck, RIPE Absent: Axel Pawlik Adiel Akplogan AGENDA 1. Welcome 2. Agenda Review 3. NTIA Call for Comments 4. NRO Activities in Athens 5…. Read More
Meeting of the NRO Executive Council – 060531
Teleconference , 12:00 UTC Executive Council Attendees: Raul Echeberria, Chair Adiel Akplogan, Member Axel Pawlik, Member Ray Plzak, Secretary Paul Wilson, Treasurer Other Attendees: Therese Colosi, Recording Secretary Observers: Nate Davis (ARIN) German Valdez (LACNIC) AGENDA 1. Welcome 2. Agenda Review 3. Executive Council 4. Internet Governance 5. Communications Coordination Group (CCG) 6. Any Other Business 7. Adjournment 1. Welcome… Read More
Meeting of the NRO Executive Council – 060511
Teleconference , 12:11 UTC Executive Council Attendees: Raul Echeberria, Chair Ray Plzak, Secretary Paul Wilson, Treasurer Axel Pawlik, Member Other Attendees: Therese Colosi, Recording Secretary Observers: Nate Davis (ARIN) German Valdez (LACNIC) Absent: Adiel Akplogan AGENDA 1. Welcome 2. Agenda Review 3. Approval of the Minutes 4. Executive Council 5. ASO 6. ICANN 7. Internet Governance 8. Communications Coordination Group… Read More