040902, Fiji Participants: Raúl Echeberría (RE), Axel Pawlik (AP), Ray Plzak (RP), Paul Wilson (PW) Observer: Adiel Akplogan (AA) AGENDA 1 Resolution regarding signing of ASO MoU 2 Content of letter to Paul Twomey 3 ARIN / Reston agenda 4 Evaluation of meetings of this week 5 AOB [ Old Action Points ] [ New Action Points ] [ Actions… Read More
Posts By: admin
NRO Statement of Support for AFRINIC
NRO Statement of Support for AFRINIC The NRO (Number Resource Organization) was formed by the RIRs to formalize their co-operative efforts. One of the most important efforts undertaken by the NRO is to provide support to the emergence of AFRINIC. All of the RIRs have, through the NRO, provided and will continue to provide support to AFRINIC. We are encouraged… Read More
Meeting of the NRO Executive Council – 040831
040831, 0530 UTC – Teleconference Draft Minutes V1.0 Participants: Raúl Echeberría (RE), Axel Pawlik (AP), Ray Plzak (RP), Paul Wilson (PW) Observer: Adiel Akplogan (AA) AGENDA 1 AFRINIC application for recognition Discussion: AA reported that he would deliver the AFRINIC application for recognition to ICANN during the plenary meeting of APNIC 18 on 1 September 2004. RP moved that the… Read More
Meeting of the NRO Executive Council – 040729
Teleconference 29 July 2004, 2300 UTC Draft Minutes V1.0 Participants: Raúl Echeberría (RE), Axel Pawlik (AP), Ray Plzak (RP), Paul Wilson (PW), Adiel Akplogan (AA), observer AGENDA 1. Opening, new agenda points, apologies 2. Previous Minutes 3. Review of action items 4. WSIS WG – current status (report from KL) 5. NRO contributions to WGIG 6. ASO MoU – next… Read More
ASO MoU Timeline
(This document is a work in progress) Current Status The NRO is currently engaged in discussions with ICANN regarding the reform of the Address Supporting Organization. This reform process has been underway since the beginning of the ICANN reform in 2002. MoU Timeline ASO MoU Proposed by the NRO (6, November 2003) First Draft of ASO MoU (6, November 2003)… Read More
AFRINIC Progress Report, submitted to ICANN 20 July 2004
AFRINIC Progress Report, submitted to ICANN 20 July 2004 Paul Twomey President & CEO ICANN Subject: AFRINIC Activity Report Dear Dr. Twomey: The intent of this report is to provide you and the ICANN Board of Directors a summary of the recent activities in regard to the establishment of a Regional Internet Registry (RIR) in Africa. Representatives from the NRO… Read More
RIR Comparative Policy Overview 2004-07
RIR Comparative Policy Overview (version 2004-07) The goal of this document is to provide a comparative overview of policies across the RIR system. It is not a policy statement by the RIRs, but serves as a reference for the Internet community. While this document was accurate on the date of publication (19 July, 2004), it may be outdated by subsequent… Read More
Public comments from the NRO regarding ICANN's proposed budget for 2004-4005
Public comments from the NRO regarding ICANN’s proposed budget for 2004-4005 The NRO has made a detailed analysis of the Budget proposal and has expressed, through its representative on the Budget Advisory Group, several questions and comments, some of which have been attended to while others have not. The NRO, and the RIRs as a whole before the NRO was… Read More
Meeting of the NRO Executive Council – 040616
Teleconference 16 June 2004, 2200 UTC Minutes Participants: Raúl Echeberría (RE), Axel Pawlik (AP), Ray Plzak (RP), Paul Wilson (PW) AGENDA 1. Opening, New Agenda points, Apologies 2. Previous Minutes 3. Review of Action Items 4. IANA 5. ASO MoU 6. Release of Funds to ICANN 7. ECG Activity 8. CCG Activity 9. Incorporation 10. Service Contract 11. Liaison New… Read More
Meeting of the NRO Executive Council – 040505
040505, Amsterdam Participants: John Curran (JC), Raúl Echeberría (RE), Axel Pawlik (AP) (minutes), Paul Wilson (PW), Observer: Adiel Akplogan (AA), Sabine Mader (SM) (For part of the meeting) AGENDA 1. Opening, New Agenda Points, Apologies 2. Previous minutes 3. Actions 4. ICANN budget 5. AFRINIC activities report 6. Communication with other NRO groups 7. IANA issues – 7.1 IPv4 allocations… Read More