Comments to WGIG on Draft Working Papers Identifying Issues for Internet Governance

Documents, NRO News

Comments to WGIG on Draft Working Papers Identifying Issues for Internet Governance Name of the paper: Draft WGIG Issue Paper on the Administration of Internet Names and IP Addresses (pdf) 1. General Comments We appreciate the efforts that have been put into the production of this draft document. It appears to be a useful first step towards a comprehensive coverage… Read More

AFRINIC Moving Closer to Final Recognition as an RIR

NRO News

Since its inception in October 2003, the Number Resource Organization (NRO) has provided its full support to the emergence of the African Network Information Center (AFRINIC) as a new Regional Internet Registry (RIR). The work towards its emergence, as outlined in a July 2004 NRO and AFRINIC Activity Report to ICANN, has continued to accelerate with the sustained support of… Read More

Meeting of the NRO Executive Council – 050208

NRO Executive Council Meetings

Participants Axel Pawlik (AP) Paul Wilson Ray Plzak (RP) Adiel Akplogan (AA) Raul Echeberria (RE) Observer German Valdez (GV) At 14:00 UTC Chair convenes the meeting AGENDA 0 – Agenda bashing 1 – EC procedures. (revisit the issue to consider the amendment suggested by Axel) 2 – Open actions list 3 – NRO Comments on WGIG paper on Names and… Read More

ETNO Publishes Common Position on Future of IPv6 Management

NRO News

The European Telecommunications Network Operators’ Association (ETNO) has published its common position on the future of IPv6 management. The ITU-TSB as an active participant in the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) is looking to create a role for itself alongside Regional Internet Registries in the management of IPv6 resources. As part of the Working Group on Internet Governance… Read More

Meeting of the NRO Executive Council – 050202

NRO Executive Council Meetings

Participants Axel Pawlik (AP) Ray Plzak (RP) Raul Echeberria (RE) Observer German Valdez (GV) At 22:05 UTC Chair convenes the meeting AGENDA 1.- EC Procedures guide 2.- Minutes approval of previous meeting (041203) 3.- Review of Open Action List 4.- Afrinic Transition Status 5.- WGIG Update Report 6.- IANA Service Contract 7.- GAC Liaison 8.- AOB New Actions 1.- EC… Read More

Kenny Huang appointed to NRO Number Council

NRO News

The APNIC Executive Council has appointed Kenny Huang to be the representative of the APNIC region on the Number Resource Organization (NRO) Number Council. Under the terms of the MoU signed between the ICANN and the RIRs in October 2004, the NRO Number Council now performs the role of the Address Supporting Organization Address Council (ASO AC). The term of… Read More

Meeting of the NRO Executive Council – 041203

NRO Executive Council Meetings

Participants: Raúl Echeberría (RE), via telephone Axel Pawlik (AP) Ray Plzak (RP) Paul Wilson (PW) Observer: Adiel Akplogan (AA) German Valdez (GV) Richard Jimmerson (RJ), agenda item 2 RE introduced GV as observer NRO-EC 04-63, 041203: Sec add RJ to EC posters’ list. At 1905 the Chair convenes the meeting. AGENDA Review of Minutes and Action List AFRINIC a. NRO… Read More

NRO Comments on the WGIG Panel at ICANN WSIS Workshop in Cape Town

NRO News

Presented by Paul Wilson, Director General, APNIC The Regional Internet Registries have been participating in WSIS for over two years, individually and more recently through the Number Resource Organization, which represents RIRs globally. There are a few WSIS areas where we might like to spend our time, but WGIG is now demanding all of our attention. We are participating in… Read More

Clarification on NRO statement: “NRO Response to ITU Comments on the Management of Internet Protocol (IP) Addresses”

Documents, NRO News

Clarification on NRO statement: “NRO Response to ITU Comments on the Management of Internet Protocol (IP) Addresses” In the NRO response to the ITU Memorandum “ITU and Internet Governance” we said, “The ITU memorandum has proposed a new IPv6 address space distribution process, based solely on national authorities.” We understand that some parties have expressed concern that we may have… Read More