IGF in Athens

Internet Governance Forum, NRO News

In 2006 the NRO participated in the first annual Internet Governance Forum in Athens, Greece. Statements: Date Published Title of Document 17.05.2006 NRO Represented in Internet Governance Forum Advisory Group 15.02.2006 Input on the Internet Governance Forum

Meeting of the NRO Executive Council – 061026

NRO Executive Council Meetings

Teleconference , 11:12 UTC Executive Council Attendees: Raul Echeberria, Chair Adiel Akplogan, Member Axel Pawlik, Member Ray Plzak, Secretary Paul Wilson, Treasurer Other Attendees: Therese Colosi, Recording Secretary Susan Hamlin, Director of Member Services Ginny Listman, Director of Engineering Observers: Richard Jimmerson, ARIN German Valdez, LACNIC AGENDA 1. Welcome 2. Agenda Review 3. Approval of the Minutes 4. Communications Coordination… Read More

Call for Comments on IPv6 Multi-homing Solutions

NRO News

IPv6 Multi-homing Solutions and their Pros and Cons This document attempts to address all the IPv6 Multi-homing Solutions and their Pro’s and Con’s, put forward by the Internet Community as a collective. The use of this document is intended for the sole purpose of providing clarification of the IPv6 Multi-homing Solutions and their pro’s and con’s, in order to assist… Read More

RIR Comparative Policy Overview 2006-10

RIR Comparative Policy Overview

RIR Comparative Policy Overview (version 2006-10) (version 2006-10) The goal of this document is to provide a comparative overview of policies across the Regional Internet Registry (RIR) system. It is not a policy statement by the RIRs, but serves as a reference for the Internet community. While this document was accurate on the date of publication (1 October 2006), it… Read More

ICANN Ratifies Global Policy for Allocation of IPv6 Address Space

NRO News

On 7 September 2006, the ICANN Board ratified the Global Policy for Allocation of IPv6 Address Space. This policy provides for the allocation of IPv6 address space from ICANN to the Regional Internet Registries (RIRs). On 13 July 2006, the Secretary of the Address Supporting Organization Address Council forwarded to ICANN the proposed global policy for allocation of IPv6 address… Read More

Meeting of the NRO Executive Council – 060828

NRO Executive Council Meetings

Teleconference , 22:18 UTC Executive Council Attendees: Raul Echeberria, Chair Adiel Akplogan, Member Axel Pawlik, Member Ray Plzak, Secretary Paul Wilson, Treasurer Other Attendees: Therese Colosi, Recording Secretary Observers: Richard Jimmerson, ARIN AGENDA 1. Welcome 2. Agenda Review 3. Approval of the Minutes 4. Executive Council 5. ASO 6. ICANN 7. Internet Governance 8. Communications Coordination Group (CCG) 9. Any… Read More

NRO Comments to NTIA on ICANN

Documents, NRO News

NRO Comments to NTIA on ICANN The NRO has submitted comments to the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), which sought input on the transition of the technical coordination and management of the Internet DNS to the private sector. The NRO endorses the current model for coordinating the Internet domain name and addressing system and believes… Read More

Meeting of the NRO Executive Council – 060712

NRO Executive Council Meetings

Teleconference , 12:07 UTC Executive Council Attendees: Raul Echeberria, Chair Ray Plzak, Secretary Paul Wilson, Treasurer Other Attendees: Therese Colosi, Recording Secretary Observers: Ann Lord, APNIC Susan Hamlin, ARIN Richard Jimmerson, ARIN German Valdez, LACNIC Paul Rendeck, RIPE Absent: Axel Pawlik Adiel Akplogan AGENDA 1. Welcome 2. Agenda Review 3. NTIA Call for Comments 4. NRO Activities in Athens 5…. Read More

RIR Comparative Policy Overview 2006-07

RIR Comparative Policy Overview

RIR Comparative Policy Overview (version 2006-07) (version 2006-07) The goal of this document is to provide a comparative overview of policies across the Regional Internet Registry (RIR) system. It is not a policy statement by the RIRs, but serves as a reference for the Internet community. While this document was accurate on the date of publication (1 July 2006), it… Read More