Meeting of the NRO Executive Council – 080318

NRO Executive Council Meetings

DRAFT Minutes Teleconference: 18 March 2008, 11hr UTC Executive Council Attendees: Paul Wilson (PW, Chair) Adiel Akplogan (AA: Secretary ) Ray Plzak (RP) Axel Pawlik (AP) Raul Echeberria (RE) Other Attendees: Natt Devis ND Richard Jimerson RJ Kiran Cunniah, KC Recording Secretary AGENDA 1. Welcome and Agenda Review – Chair to lead 2. Adoption of last meeting’s minutes 3. ICANN… Read More

Meeting of the NRO Executive Council – 080221

NRO Executive Council Meetings

DRAFT Minutes Teleconference: 21 February 2008, 12h00 UTC Executive Council Attendees: Paul Wilson (PW, Chair) Adiel Akplogan (AA: Secretary ) Ray Plzak (RP) Axel Pawlik (AP) Raul Echeberria (RE) Other Attendees: Natt Devis ND Richard Jimerson RJ Kiran Cunniah, Recording Secretary AGENDA 1. Welcome and Agenda Review – Chair to lead 2. Adoption of last meeting’s minutes (17.01.2008) 3. Review… Read More

Midterm review of the ICANN/DoC Joint Project Agreement

NRO News

The Number Resource Organisation (NRO) is pleased to submit this attached document in response to the Notice of Inquiry by the Honorable John M. R. Kneuer, related to the midterm review of the ICANN/DoC joint project agreement (Docket No  071023616-7617 -01). The NRO believes that the Joint Project Agreement between the DoC and ICANN should be concluded and to this… Read More

RIR Comparative Policy Overview 2008-01

RIR Comparative Policy Overview

RIR Comparative Policy Overview (version 2008-01) (version 2008-01) The goal of this document is to provide a comparative overview of policies across the Regional Internet Registry (RIR) system. It is not a policy statement by the RIRs, but serves as a reference for the Internet community. While this document was accurate on the date of publication (4 February 2008), it… Read More

Meeting of the NRO Executive Council – 080115

NRO Executive Council Meetings

DRAFT Minutes Teleconference , 11:00 UTC Executive Council Attendees: Paul Wilson (PW, Chair) Adiel Akplogan (AA: Secretary ) Ray Plzak (RP) Axel Pawlik (AP) Raul Echeberria (RE) Other Attendees: Kiran Cunniah, Recording Secretary AGENDA 1. Welcome and Agenda review: Chair to lead 2. Adoption last meeting’s minutes: Paul to lead 3. Review of Open Action item 4. Roles and function… Read More

NRO and ICANN Reaffirm Commitment to Relationship

Documents, NRO News

In December 2007, the Number Resource Organization (NRO) and the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) exchanged letters reaffirming their commitment to formalizing the legal relationship between the two organizations. The NRO letter, jointly-signed by the executives of the five Regional Internet Registries, stated the NRO’s commitment to supporting ICANN, sought ICANN’s acknowledgement of certain aspects of the… Read More

Meeting of the NRO Executive Council – 071218

NRO Executive Council Meetings

18 December 2007, Montevideo Draft minutes Present Ray Plzak (RP, Chair) Paul Wilson (PW, Secretary) Axel Pawlik (AP) Adiel Akplogan (AA) Raul Echeberria (RE) Agenda 1. Welcome The meeting was called to order at 5pm. 2. Agenda bashing No changes were made to the agenda. 3. Actions by EC Members PW moved as follows: “The NRO EC directs the following… Read More

RIR Comparative Policy Overview 2007-04

RIR Comparative Policy Overview

RIR Comparative Policy Overview (version 2007-04) (version 2007-04) The goal of this document is to provide a comparative overview of policies across the Regional Internet Registry (RIR) system. It is not a policy statement by the RIRs, but serves as a reference for the Internet community. While this document was accurate on the date of publication (14 November 2007), it… Read More

NRO Report: “Continuing Cooperation”

Documents, NRO News

The Number Resource Organization (NRO) has participated in the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) and related activities since the beginning, and it is a process to which we are strongly devoted. In response to the Tunis WSIS agenda, the NRO has released “Continuing Cooperation – The NRO’s Role in Internet Governance”. This report illustrates the many efforts the… Read More

NRO at IGF in Rio

Internet Governance Forum, NRO News

The NRO was represented at the second Internet Governance Forum in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, from 12-15 November 2007. The sessions included five thematic panel discussions built around the IGF themes: Critical Internet resources, access, diversity, openness and security. Adiel Akplogan (AFRINIC) and Raúl Echeberría (LACNIC) were members of the Advisory Group that helped to coordinate the IGF. The NRO… Read More