Naresh Ajwani Elected to NRO NC

NRO News

APNIC is pleased to announce that Naresh Ajwani has been re-elected as a representative to the Number Resource Organization (NRO) Number Council for the APNIC region. He will begin another two-year term on 1 January 2011. Election details can be found at: More information on the NRO Number Council.

NRO NC Call for Nominations – RIPE NCC Service Region

NRO News

There is a call for nominations from the RIPE NCC service region to fill one vacant seat on the Number Resource Organization (NRO) Number council (NC). The term of Hans Petter Holen, who was elected to the NRO NC in January 2008, ends on 31 December 2010. The election to the NRO NC seat will take place during a Plenary… Read More

Meeting of the NRO Executive Council – 100817

NRO Executive Council Meetings

Minutes Teleconference 17th August 2010 – 11:00 UTC Executive Council Attendees: RIPE NCC: Axel Pawlik (AP, Chairman) LACNIC: Raul Echeberria (RE, Secretary) ARIN: John Curran (JC, Treasurer) AFRINIC: Adiel Akplogan (AA, Member) APNIC: Paul Wilson (PW, Member) (from 11:40 UTC) Observers: APNIC: Germán Valdez (GV) ARIN: Nate Davis (ND) RIPE NCC: Paul Rendek (PR) LACNIC: Hartmut Glaser (HG) AGENDA Welcome,… Read More

Call for Nominations: NRO NC ARIN Region

NRO News

This is an open call for nominations from the ARIN region to fill one (1) seat on the Number Resource Organization (NRO) Number Council that becomes vacant with the expiration of Jason Schiller’s term on 31 December 2010. Candidates must be willing to serve a three (3) year term beginning 1 January 2011. Incumbents may be re-elected for consecutive terms…. Read More

Meeting of the NRO Executive Council – 100720

NRO Executive Council Meetings

Minutes Teleconference 20 July 2010, 11:00 UTC Executive Council Attendees: RIPE NCC: Axel Pawlik (AP, Chairman) LACNIC: Raul Echeberria (RE, Secretary) ARIN: John Curran (JC, Treasurer) AFRINIC: Adiel Akplogan (AA, Member) APNIC: Paul Wilson (PW, Member) (from 11:40 UTC) Observers: APNIC: Germán Valdez (GV) ARIN: Nate Davis (ND) RIPE NCC: Paul Rendek (PR) AGENDA 1. Welcome, Apologies, Agenda Bashing 2…. Read More

Global IPv6 Deployment Monitoring Survey

NRO News

The NRO encourages its community to participate in the 2010 Global IPv6  Deployment Monitoring Survey being conducted by GNKS Consult and TNO and  sponsored by the RIPE NCC. The survey is now available at: The survey will close on 4 July 2010. All five Regional Internet Registries have committed to soliciting  participation in this survey in order to compile… Read More

RIR Comparative Policy Overview 2010-02

RIR Comparative Policy Overview

RIR Comparative Policy Overview (version 2010-02) (version 2010-02) The goal of this document is to provide a comparative overview of policies across the Regional Internet Registry (RIR) system. It is not a policy statement by the RIRs, but serves as a reference for the Internet community. While this document was accurate on the date of publication (30 June 2010) it… Read More