I* Post-NETmundial Meeting Statement

NRO News

Leaders of the organizations responsible for coordination of the Internet technical infrastructure (loosely referred to as “I* leaders”) met on 25 April in São Paulo, Brazil following the NETmundial meeting. During the 1-day I* leaders meeting, the group considered a range of issues where dialogue among Internet technical organisations is useful. In particular, the group highlighted that the NETmundial meeting has energised the multistakeholder discussions… Read More

Meeting of the NRO Executive Council – 140130

Meetings, NRO Executive Council Meetings

Minutes January 30, 2014 Teleconference 11:00 AM UTC  Executive Council Attendees: Chairman: Adiel Akplogan (AA) AFRINIC Secretary: Axel Pawlik (AP) RIPE NCC Treasurer: Raul Echeberria (RE) LACNIC Member: John Curran (JC) ARIN Member: Paul Wilson (PW) APNIC  Observers: Anne Rachel Inne (ARI) AFRINIC Paul Andersen (PA) ARIN Pablo Hinojosa (PH) APNIC Sanjaya (SS) APNIC Ernesto Majo (EM) LACNIC Andres Piazza (API) LACNIC Andrew… Read More

Meeting of the NRO Executive Council – 131227

Meetings, NRO Executive Council Meetings

Minutes December 27, 2013 Teleconference 11:00 AM UTC  Executive Council Attendees: Acting Chairman: Adiel Akplogan (AA) AFRINIC Treasurer: Axel Pawlik (AP) RIPE NCC Member: John Curran (JC) ARIN Member: Raul Echeberria (RE) LACNIC  Observers: Anne Rachel Inne (ARI) AFRINIC Neriah Sossou (NS) AFRINIC Nate Davis (ND) ARIN Pablo Hinojosa (PH) APNIC Ernesto Majo (EM) LACNIC Secretariat: Guylaine Mootoo (GM) AFRINIC German Valdez… Read More

Meeting of the NRO Executive Council – 131217

Meetings, NRO Executive Council Meetings

Minutes December 17, 2013 Teleconference 11:00 AM UTC  Executive Council Attendees: Chairman: Paul Wilson (PW) APNIC Acting Chairman: Adiel Akplogan (AA) AFRINIC Treasurer: Axel Pawlik (AP) RIPE NCC Member: John Curran (JC) ARIN Member: Raul Echeberria (RE) LACNIC  Observers: Anne Rachel Inne (ARI) AFRINIC Neriah Sossou (NS) AFRINIC Paul Andersen (PA) ARIN Nate Davis (ND) ARIN Leslie Nobile (LN) ARIN Byron Ellacott (BE)… Read More

Meeting of the NRO Executive Council – 131120

Meetings, NRO Executive Council Meetings

Minutes November 20, 2013 Face to Face meeting 3:00 PM Buenos Aires, Argentina  Executive Council Attendees: Chairman: Paul Wilson (PW) APNIC Secretary: Adiel Akplogan (AA) AFRINIC Treasurer: Axel Pawlik (AP) RIPE NCC Member: John Curran (JC) ARIN Member: Raul Echeberria (RE) LACNIC  Observers: Anne Rachel Inne (ARI) AFRINIC – Via Webex Nate Davis (ND) ARIN Pablo Hinojosa (PH) APNIC Maemura Akinori APNIC Ernesto… Read More

Meeting of the NRO Executive Council – 131119

Meetings, NRO Executive Council Meetings

Minutes November 19, 2013 Face to Face meeting 9:30 AM Buenos Aires, Argentina  Executive Council Attendees: Chairman: Paul Wilson (PW) APNIC Secretary: Adiel Akplogan (AA) AFRINIC Treasurer: Axel Pawlik (AP) RIPE NCC Member: John Curran (JC) ARIN Member: Raul Echeberria (RE) LACNIC  Observers: Anne Rachel Inne (ARI) AFRINIC – Via Webex Paul Andersen (PA) ARIN Nate Davis (ND) ARIN Pablo Hinojosa (PH) APNIC… Read More

Internet Technical Leaders Welcome IANA Globalization Progress

NRO News

The leaders of the Internet technical organizations responsible for coordination of the Internet infrastructure (IETF, IAB, RIRs, ccTLD ROs, ICANN, ISOC, and W3C), welcome the US Government’s announcement of the suggested changes related to the IANA functions contract. The roles on policy development processes of the Internet technical organizations and ICANN’s role as administrator of the IANA functions, remain unchanged…. Read More

NRO Contributes to NETmundial

Documents, NRO News

The Number Resource Organization (NRO) on behalf of the five Regional Internet Registries (RIRs), AFRINIC, APNIC, ARIN, LACNIC, and the RIPE NCC, submitted a contribution to the Global Multistakeholder Meeting on the Future of Internet Governance, NETmundial. The NRO’s contribution to NETmundial addresses the two submission topics: “Internet Governance Principles”, and “Roadmap for the Further Evolution of the Internet Governance Ecosystem”. You can read… Read More

Statement from the I* Leaders Coordination Meeting

NRO News

Statement from the I* Leaders Coordination Meeting, Santa Monica, 14 February 2014 Leaders of the organizations responsible for coordination of the Internet technical infrastructure (loosely referred to as “I* leaders”) met last week in Santa Monica, California, USA. During the 2-day meeting, they discussed activities underway and exchanged views and updates on a range of topics including: • IETF and… Read More