NRO Memorandum of Understanding – Internet Number Registry System Joint Project Agreement Addendum (NRO INRS JPAA)


As the Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) have committed to jointly operate the Internet Number Registry System to further global Internet operations, the RIRs hereby amend the Number Resource Organization MOU to formally recognize the following responsibilities that the RIRs undertake, individually and collectively, in fulfillment of this goal. Each RIR agrees: Not to take action that would violate Internet Number Registry System uniqueness…. Read More

RIPE NCC to Publish NRO Extended Allocation and Assignment Reports

NRO News

To make sure that the NRO Extended Allocation and Assignment Reports continue to be published to a high standard, the NRO has agreed that this should be managed by one of the RIRs. This will ensure a resilient and well-maintained service and will allow further improvements to be made in the future. The RIPE NCC has agreed to take over… Read More