Meeting of the NRO Executive Council – 160126

Minutes of the NRO EC Teleconference held on Tuesday January 26th 2016 at 11:00 AM UTC

Executive Council:

Oscar Robles (OR) LACNIC Chair
John Curran (JC) ARIN Secretary
Paul Wilson (PW) APNIC Treasurer
Alan Barrett (AB) AFRINIC
Axel Pawlik (AP) RIPE NCC


Ernesto Majo LACNIC
Carlos Martinez (CM) LACNIC
Hartmut Glaser LACNIC
Maemura Akinori APNIC
Pablo Hinojosa APNIC
Nate Davis ARIN
Paul Andersen ARIN
Paul Rendek RIPE NCC
Athina Fragkouli RIPE NCC
German Valdez (GV) NRO

Draft Agenda NRO EC January 26th 2016

0. Welcome
1. Agenda Review
2. Minutes Review
3. Review Open Actions
4. CG Input / Consultation
5. CCWG Update
6. Update on SLA Discussions
7. IANA IPR Update
8. Representative to New gTLD Auction Proceeds Drafting Team
9. Review Committee Announcement
10. Oscar and Adiel Meeting Report
11. RIR Accountability Review Status
12. Next Meeting
a) EC f2f Meeting in APNIC 41
b) Teleconference scheduled on February 16th
13. AOB
14. Adjourn

0 Welcome

OR welcomed all participants and started the meeting at 11:02 AM UTC

1. Agenda Review

OR asked for any additions or changes to the agenda.

There were no additions or changes to the agenda.

2. Minutes Review

GV reported there were some pending approvals from November meetings. GV said that minutes from December was pending for approval by all EC.

OR asked GV to follow up with the pending approvals.

3. Review Open Actions


Action Item 141018-03: PACG to include Governing Board Structure, Budget and Activity Approval, Fee Approval and Bylaw/Operational Document Control information to the RIR Governance Matrix.

Status: Pending

Action Item 141018-04: PACG based on the RIR Governance Matrix propose to the NRO EC those areas where could be consolidation or harmonization among the RIR.
Status: Pending

OR asked if the actions should be completed.

AP stressed that it was important to complete the actions and asked all RIR set their priorities locally so this could be completed.

GV offered to pass the message to the PACG.

4. CG Input / Consultation


CM asked if the NRO EC approved the ECG face-to-face meeting during APNIC meeting in Auckland.

GV said that the meeting request was sent and approved by the NRO EC.

PW suggested having a shared session with the NRO EC in Auckland.

CM welcomed the suggestion.

All agreed.


PR said the PACG is evaluating a meeting in ICANN 55 in Marrakech or during LACNIC meeting in Cuba.

NRO Secretary

GV said that the NRO 2015 expense and 2016 Budget was ready to be shared to the NRO EC. GV reported that the 2015 budget was executed according to the plan. GV added that 2016 budget would decrease more than 100k USD now that the ASO travel support would be in charge of each RIR directly.

PW suggested discussing the 2015 expenses report and 2016 budget during the face-to-face meeting in Auckland.

5. CCWG Update

OR briefed the NRO EC about the last discussions with the ASO liaisons in the CCWG. OR mentioned the importance that the CCWG establish clear timelines for the rest of the process. OR said that the text related to the number community in the ICANN mission has been shared with the IETF and the NRO was waiting for their comments before submit it to the CCWG lawyers and ICANN Board. OR pointed out that the discussions on ICANN mission should not impact in the timeline. OR asked to the NRO EC to be prepared to compromise in the content of the final text in the ICANN mission in order to avoid unacceptable delays in the CCWG process. OR stressed on the importance to maintain a close coordination on this matter.

JC agreed with OR summary and raised expectations that the ICANN mission statement discussion finalizes soon.

OR confirmed that the topic was part of the agenda of the next general CCWG teleconference.

PW said that the he was very concern on the CCWG timeline and asked to balance the importance of the ICANN mission statement and the process timeline.

JC suggested that the community should know the NRO EC position on the ICANN mission statement considering that could have an impact in the SLA or its termination.

AB said that according to the CCWG archives it’s not clear that the actual text proposed by JC has been introduced.

JC shared AB concerns.

PW suggested to draft and public the NRO EC position.

JC said he’d like to be sure that the text be properly considered by the CCWG and avoid submitting it to the CCWG late.

AB agreed with JC.

OR agreed to submit the text on time for the CCWG today meeting at 19:00 UTC. OR would coordinate the submission of the text with the ASO liaisons.

6. Update on SLA Discussions

At this point AF joined the call.

OR suggested to have some coordination in advance of the teleconference with IANA staff.

JC said that there should be clarity in the cost of the services provided by IANA, until then the 250,000 USD reimbursements should be part of the contract. JC stressed in the importance to attach to the current terms of termination, renewal and arbitration, as those were clearly instructed by the number community.

AF agreed with JC. AF reminded that conversations on SLA with IANA should be transparent to the community. AF suggested reporting the meeting with IANA back to the global list.

All agreed.

7. IANA IPR Update

AB reported that there is a new mailing for the discussions of IPR between the three operational communities. AB added that the list should have public archives.

PW asked about the CCWG accepting the IETF trust to host IANA IPR

AB confirmed that the CCWG accepted the proposal

PW said that the next step would be to work in a principle document and refine the final arrangement with the IETF trust.

AB confirmed that the principle document has been shared in the list and the next step would be to make it available for editing in google docs. AB asked if the NRO EC should have a position on ICANN keeping date-to-date control of IANA domain name provided that the ownership would remain in the trust.

JC said he was ok with the approach of ICANN keeping date-to-date control of the domain name as long as the trust has full authority.

PW suggested waiting for the IETF position.

OR thanked AB and PW for their report.

8. Representative to New gTLD Auction Proceeds Drafting Team

OR reminded on the email sent by ICANN requesting the appointment of two ASO representatives to the new gTLD auction proceeds drafting team. OR asked if the NRO should be part of the drafting team.

PW suggested that the NRO should be part of the drafting team and proposed Sylvia Cadena from APNIC to serve as representative of the NRO. PW said that Sylvia has a good understanding of fundraising and she could contribute to have something sensible out of the working group.

JC pointed out that the call was to draft the charter of the working group. JC agreed to have an active NRO participant and supported PW’s suggestion on appointing Sylvia. JC said that once the group is ready to work the NRO EC should appoint a representative. JC added that the ASO could appoint the second representative to the charter drafting team.

OR asked if the NRO EC members approved the appointment of Sylvia Cadena to the new gTLD auction proceeds drafting team.

All agreed.

OR said that the ASO AC should appoint a second representative.

9. Review Committee Announcement

OR informed that the LACNIC Board would appoint the first two members but future members would be appointed by a new election procedure.

AB said that AFRINIC would appoint automatically to the Review Committee the two members elected by the community to the ASO AC

PW said that APNIC case is similar to AFRINIC. AP added that the APNIC Executive Council would confirm the appointments in the Auckland Meeting.

JC said that the ARIN Board would discuss in their February meeting the recommendation that the two community elected representatives to the ASO AC also serve in the Review Committee.

OR suggested that the RIR should coordinate the announcement of their representatives to the Review Committee and review the status of the appointment in around two months.

10. Meeting with Adiel Apklogan

OR reported on a meeting with Adiel Apklogan, OR mentioned that they agreed that ICANN board and ICANN staff could have a better understanding of the number community if they have access to materials explaining the number community something in addition to the IANA services and global policy related. OR asked whether the NRO EC such engage on this idea.

JC suggested adding the topic to the face-to-face meeting.

OR agreed.

11. Next NRO EC Meeting

OR suggested to cancel the next scheduled teleconference as it’s very close to the proposed face-to-face meeting on February 20th.

All agreed.

PW requested to add IGF engagement and MAG representation in the face-to-face meeting agenda.

JC agreed.

GV reported that preparations are underway with the support of APNIC staff.

12. AOB

PW congratulated OR for chairing the first NRO EC meeting of the year.

All agreed.

13. Adjourn

OR Adjourned the meeting at 12:20 PM UTC

Last modified on 18/06/2021