About the Number Community Proposal
The CRISP team delivered a consolidated proposal from the global Number Community to the ICG on 15 January 2015.
- Final Proposal (PDF)
- HTML version
- Text version
- PDF version in French
- Slide deck explaining the proposal.
- FAQ document explaining the proposal (pdf version)
- Proposal Overview
Summary of the Number Community Proposal
Today, ICANN (the Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers) is obligated by an agreement with the US Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunication and Information Administration (NTIA) to manage the IANA Number Registries according to policies developed by the Internet Number Community (via the Regional Internet Registries (RIRs)).
Although escalation and reporting mechanisms for the IANA operator are public in nature, the NTIA has an oversight or stewardship role as the entity that holds the IANA contract with ICANN.
In the CRISP Team proposal, the Internet Numbers Community proposes establishing a new stewardship mechanism as follows:
- A new contractual arrangement is established between the RIRs (as community-based stewards of the Internet number resources) and the IANA Numbering Services Operator (ICANN) for the provision of IANA Numbering Services (which is described in Section “I.A. The service or activity” of the Internet Number Community proposal).
- Establishment of a Review Committee, with representatives from the community in each RIR region, to advise the Number Resource Organization Executive Council (NRO EC) on the review of the IANA functions operator’s performance and meeting of identified service levels.

The proposed arrangement would place stewardship of global Internet number resources in the hands of the Internet Numbering Community, represented by the RIRs as the direct stakeholders of the IANA Numbering Services.
The proposal (in section III.A.3) contains a list of 12 principles to be used in drafting a service level agreement (SLA) that reflect the global community’s priorities and concerns, taking into consideration elements in the existing NTIA agreements that, in the interest of stability and continuity, could be integrated into the new contract.
The CRISP Team’s proposal does not include a detailed set of legal provisions, but expects these provisions to be drafted by legal staff from the RIRs as a part of implementation. Based on these principles laid out in the proposal, the RIRs will develop the text of the SLA in consultation with the community.
How was the Number Community Proposal developed?
The Internet Numbering Community proposal is the result of discussions regarding Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) stewardship in all five Regional Internet Registry (RIR) regional communities, and reflects the output of each of these discussions. Each of the RIRs has published archives of these community discussions on their websites, as well as the positions that came out of those discussions.
The Consolidated RIR IANA Stewardship Proposal Team (CRISP Team) was convened in December 2014 to develop a response to the ICG. Working between December 2014 and January 2015, the CRISP Team met regularly via public teleconferences and held discussions via publicly archived mailing lists to draft the Internet Number Community proposal.
The CRISP Team published a matrix detailing all of the input received from the community via the <ianaxfer@nro.net> mailing list and how it was reflected in the final Number Community proposal.
Key dates before the submission to the ICG
- First draft published: 19 Dec 2014
- First draft comments closed: 5 Jan 2015
- Second draft to be published: 8 Jan 2015
- Second draft comments closed: 12 Jan 2015
- Final proposal sent to ICG: 15 Jan 2015
Previous documents
IMPORTANT: these documents are outdated and are only for reference
First Draft Proposal, published 18 December 2014
First Draft Proposal Edited Version, published 24 December 2014
Second Draft Proposal, published 8 January 2015
This page is an archive page from the IANA Stewardship Transition Archive and may contain outdated information.
Last modified on 19/09/2018